
ACT Alliance demonstrates its value as the leading faith-based alliance in humanitarian response by working with faith and humanitarian actors at the global, regional, national, and community levels. ACT harnesses the combined strength of its members in delivering humanitarian response at scale and with considerable reach through joint programming approaches.

We commit to an effective ecumenical response that saves lives and maintains dignity, irrespective of race, gender, belief, nationality, ethnicity, or political persuasion. Humanitarian needs define our priorities and the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence guide our actions. We remain committed to strengthening the resilience of affected communities and to being accountable to people and communities affected by a crisis. The ACT Alliance Secretariat is certified against the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability and is committed to the Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response.

Our goals

  • Ensure ACT Alliance’s humanitarian responses are managed efficiently, delivered in a timely manner and evidenced appropriately.
  • Work with ACT forums and members to strengthen the resilience of disaster affected communities.
  • Support ACT forums and members to collaboratively ensure accountability to disaster affected populations in line with the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) commitments.
  • Support member-led and evidence-based humanitarian advocacy initiatives that amplify the voices of disaster affected
act alliance logo

Key achievements


Emergency Steering Committee successfully established, activated more than 30 times since inception with over US$67 million mobilised since 2022 for ACT’s Humanitarian Appeals.


ACT Emergency Appeal coverage (the total amount of funds generated versus budget) has 02 risen from 28% to 46% from 2018 to 2023.


Systematic approach to appeal management – inception meetings, coordination roundtable
discussions, enhanced monitoring, results frameworks and closing meetings all introduced 03 with a focus on Quality & Accountability.


Extensive consultation with members and forums on locally led response within ACT Alliance 04 has led to a Pledge of Commitments which is being launched at the General Assembly 2024.

We are active in more than 120 countries worldwide

Through its national, regional and sub-regional forums ACT Alliance provides humanitarian and emergency preparedness support to local communities helping them during a crisis and to become more resilient.


Policies and Manuals

ACT humanitarian mechanism

The Rapid Response Fund is an innovative funding mechanism designed to put local communities at the centre of decision-making and is recognised as one of few such funding mechanisms across the sector.

The RRF provides valuable opportunities to demonstrate the niche of faith actors in humanitarian response as we work closely with local ACT members and their community networks. On average, the RRF funds 20 emergencies annually and responses are implemented within six months.

The primary mechanism for large scale or global emergencies, including protracted crises: ACT Alliance raises an appeal to its membership with both requesting and funding members co-owning the process. Appeals are open for funding during their entire project period and accessible to both national and international ACT Alliance members.

Consortia represent a new funding mechanism for ACT Alliance. As part of Emergency Preparedness planning, consortiums are established before a disaster strikes and consortium members share a vision and strategic focus. Members self-organise and develop their own financial management models and programme strategies supported by the EPRP process and tools.

Emergency preparedness and response planning is integral to the strengthening of ACT Alliance’s capacity to respond effectively in emergencies through joint programming.

ACT national and regional forums develop emergency preparedness and response plans (EPRPs), working collaboratively to understand potential disaster risks and plan how to respond to emergencies quickly and effectively. Forum EPRPs are accessible by members through an online platform, which can be viewed by other members who may be interested to support them. ACT Forums use specific ACT guidelines and tools to support the process of developing an EPRP which is reviewed regularly.

EPRP platform

As part of the holistic and integrated approach to humanitarian response, development and advocacy, ACT’s emergency preparedness and humanitarian response is supported by stronger humanitarian coordination and advocacy with stakeholders and duty bearers.

In the current strategic period our advocacy focuses on three banner commitments to the Grand Bargain at the World Humanitarian Summit where ACT has made significant investments and where member engagement is quite strong: the localisation agenda and the primary role of national/local members and local faith actors; demonstrating the important role of faith actors in humanitarian response; and strengthening of cash-based programming across the humanitarian sector.

Date | Time

On October 8, the Nicaraguan government started meteorological monitoring through the Nicaraguan Territorial Studies Institute (INETER) and issued a yellow alert. According to INETER, hurricane Julia hit Nicaragua with rainfalls between 200mm to 250mm have saturated soils, and wrought havoc across the country, especially in the North and South autonomous regions, where indigenous populations are still recovering from the 2020 hurricane season. The Hurricane has affected communities and populations throughout the national territory, especially in the centre, west, and south of the country. About a million people are left without power and heavy rains and floods forced the evacuations of more than 13,000 families, while some 31,170 people lack access to drinking water. The central government has begun to respond at the level of urban areas and in shelters that were set up. The Centro Interclecial de Estudios Teológicos y Sociales (CIEETS), the Consejo de Iglesias Pro Alianza Denominacinal (CEPAD), and the Iglesia Luterana Fe y Esperanza (ILFE), members of the ACT Forum Nicargua, seek to provide humanitarian assistance to 755 affected families from November 2022 to February 2023 in three sectors: Food security, Shelter and household item and WASH. To that end, a RRF of 151,148USD has been approved. RRF 16 2022 Nicaragua Hurricane Julia      

Major clashes erupted on the week of 19 May 2022 and continue to escalate between the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) and rebel groups. As a result, at least 186,000 people fear returning to their homes and are displaced in the outskirts of Goma. The displaced are living in schools, churches, and other centers in overcrowded environments with limited sanitary facilities. The overcrowded conditions could exacerbate the likelihood of communicable diseases through the spread of water-borne diseases. Several schools are no longer functional in the origin areas of (conflict) of the displaced and it will be difficult for schools in the areas of displacement to open. RRF 12 2022 DRC Conflict Final

Since the 22nd of September, hurricane Ian (Category 3) has been impacting Cuba, particularly the provinces of Pinar del Rios, Artemisa, Mayabeque, the Special Municipality Isla de la Juventud, and La Habana, causing landfalls, floods, damages to the infrastructure, housing, electricity and telecommunications services, crops, and the disruption of the provision of critical public and social services.

  • Approximately 3 million people have been affected, 4 casualties have been reported, and 116,000 people were evacuated from their homes and sought refuge with their relatives, and neighbors, in emergency shelters or in local churches.
  • Around 100,000 houses, 11 hospitals, and 992 schools were severely affected. Electricity service remains intermittent: In the province of Pinar del Rio 144 out of 150 circuits are without electricity, and in the province of Artemisa, the electricity service is only working at 46% of its capacity.
  • Water supply deficit: in Pinar del Río, the population is heavily dependent on tank truckers and generator sets.
  • Damages in the food sector increase, with acute damages in agriculture, and wide losses in livestock. Food distribution has been interrupted by damages suffered, which directly and negatively impacts the Family Welfare System and the most vulnerable population who heavily depend on food rations distributed by the government.
  • The complex situation has seriously affected the psychosocial well-being of vulnerable groups, especially elderly persons, children, women, persons with disability, and persons with chronic illnesses.
  • Health authorities warn about the need to increase epidemiological surveillance of the most affected territories, in a context of a high incidence of dengue.
The Consejo de Iglesias de Cuba (CIC) is seeking to provide humanitarian relief in the sectors of WASH, Psychosocial support, and Emergency Preparedness & Forum Capacity strengthening to 3,750 people (1,290 girls, 1,090 boys, 540 women, and 367 men), and 750 households through a RRF of 72,600 USD. RRF 14 2022 Cuba Hurricane Ian

On September 25, 2022, powerful Typhoon Noru or known locally as Karding, packing a maximum sustained winds of 195 kph and gustiness of up to 240 kph, caused major damages to various communities in seven regions affecting 366,483 families or more than 1.3 million persons. Heavy rain and violent winds inundated farm lands, massive flooding submerged various towns, storm surges ravaged through low-lying and coastal areas, while some mountainous areas were further isolated. A total of 44 cities/municipalities were declared under the State of Calamity. Although flooding in most affected areas have subsided, significant damage to infrastructures was recorded. Government reports indicate at least 101,251 houses were partially or totally destroyed, while damage to infrastructure such as school buildings and roads is estimated to reach Php 304 million. Classes and work were suspended in at least 700 cities/municipalities. Initial assessment findings from the UN OCHA Philippines state that immediate priority needs include food, temporary shelter, agricultural inputs, water and hygiene kits, livelihood/cash for work as well as protection services. Health and psychosocial services were likewise critical for the affected communities. Food security, livelihood recovery, some health services and access to safer WASH is expected to be challenging for the next few weeks until the coming months. The National Council of Churches in the Philippines will respond to the crisis through ACT's Rapid Response Fund. RRF 15 2022 Philippines Typhoon Noru

The current emergency in Honduras is caused by two weather phenomena: the rainy season (which starts in July and lasts until October-November each year) and La Niña, which is expected to last until February 2023.

Since July, several yellow alerts have been issued by COPECO (Secretary of State in the Offices of Risk Management), which led to the issuance of the national declaration of a state of emergency on the 24th of September.

The heavy rains caused overflows of rivers, landslides, mudslides, and floods, which subsequently brought the destruction of homes, losses in crops and livestock, confinement of several communities, and severe damage to the road network (primary, secondary, and tertiary).

So far, 14 departments have been affected: Santa Bárbara, Copán, Cortes, Yoro, Francisco Morazán, Colón, Lempira, Ocotepeque, Comayagua, La Paz, Intibuca, Valle, Choluteca, and El Paraíso.

According to official data released by COPECO and SINAGER (Governing Body of the National Risk Management System), 73,094 people were affected, 16,254 people evacuated, 144 shelters have been enabled (in 7 departments), 9,403 people sheltered, and 742 affected communities in the national territory.

RRF 13 2022 Honduras Floods

Last year in September 2022 heavy monsoon caused widespread flooding and landslides with severe ramifications for human lives, property, and infrastructure.  81 districts (Baluchistan 32, Sindh 23, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 17, Gilgit Baltistan 6, and Punjab 3) were declared ‘calamity hit’ by the Government— a one-third area (70% districts) across Pakistan was affected. ACT Alliance members Community World Service Asia and Norwegian Church Aid launched an appeal to respond to the urgent needs of the affected population through provision of essential needs, ash assistance, shelter kits, mobile clinics for primary health care services in remote areas, and WASH interventions. With the support from Funding Members, more than 50,000 affected people have been reached. Targeted people are provided with safe drinking water by rehabilitation of existing and installation of new water facilities, Provision of water storage containers. Moreover, sanitation facilities are provided in the targeted area, Multipurpose cash assistance were provided to around 800 families which helped them in rehabilitation of their shelters. The main purpose of the appeal revision is that the Pakistan Meteorological Department predicted heavy Monsoon rains in the country which already have started impacting the northern parts of the country. These rains will aggravate the situation of people who are already affected by floods in 2022. On these grounds NCA has decided to revise the current ACT Appeal (PAK221) so that we are able to adequately scale up and address the impact of 2023 Monsoon rains with a concentration in Sindh province.    Much of the infrastructure destroyed by the floods remains to be rebuilt. More than 10 million people in flood-affected areas still lack access to safe drinking water, according to UNICEF.  Due to insufficient support and livelihood about 1.1 million people are at risk of sliding of becoming food insecure. The continued inflation that is being experienced by Pakistan in the last year has resulted in food inflation. Food inflation in May 2023 surged to 48.7 percent. This situation has resulted in a significant increase in the challenges for flood-affected communities to access adequate shelter, water, sanitation, re-construction of houses and agricultural livelihoods. In Sindh province, people are still displaced with some areas having land still waterlogged. According to Pakistan Contingency Plan for 2023, it is estimated that around 10 million people will be affected from Monsoon rains this year 2023 in Pakistan. The majority of affected people will be in Sindh province. Moreover, assessments in June 2023, by the Sindh Govt indicate that a total of 2.1 million houses still require reconstruction or repairs however, Govt. resources will only cover 350,000 households. Due to insufficient support and reduced livelihood opportunities about 1.1 million people are at risk of becoming food insecure. The continued inflation that is being experienced by Pakistan in the last year has exasperated food inflation. ACT Alliance members Community World Service Asia and Norwegian Church Aid is raising an appeal for USD 4,272,493. Since the appeal raised in October 2022 around USD 1.2 million has been mobilized.     PAK221 - Pakistan Flood Response - Revised Appeal PAK221 - Pakistan Flood Response - Revised Results Framework

On 28th March 2022, heavy violence erupted in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) due to fighting between the rebel group M23 and DRC government forces. The violence has caused an unprecedented large-scale influx of refugees into neighboring Uganda, leaving refugees with unmet basic needs in sectors such as food, WASH, education, protection, gender, livelihoods, and peaceful co-existence. ACT Uganda Forum members LWF, FCA, DCA, and HEKS have launched an appeal to respond to the refugee crisis. UGA 221_Congolese Influx to Uganda UGA 221_Response to Influx of Refugees in Uganda_Results Framework - 7th August 2022

Karamoja region has experienced a prolonged drought since 2020, in addition,there have been plagues of locusts and armyworms which has affected crop production in the region. According to the  District Disaster Management Committee in Kaboong District Uganda, in a report released on June 30th, 2022 at least 10,162 Households out of the 19,714 food insecure households require food urgently. Women especially lactating mothers, pregnant women, and widows are equally among the vulnerable group affected. ACT Uganda Forum National member, Church of Uganda is responding to the drought with rapid response funds to support the most affected. RRF 11 2022 Uganda Drought

The two waves of floods in Assam which started in June 2022 caused massive inundation and damages to lives and property. The floods affected around 5,542,053 people in 5,577 villages under 121 revenue circles in 32 districts. People have taken shelter on roadside as rains and water levels have gradually receded leaving their agricultural land unfit for cultivation. The Gratuitous Relief (GR) supplied by the local administration is insufficient to meet the basic needs of the communities. Thirty-two districts in Assam were affected by the floods with minimal government support.  ACT India Forum through CASA, CNI-SBSS, UELCI, and LWSIT will be responding in six districts of Assam through the Rapid Response Fund to provide food and non-food items. RRF 10 2022 India Assam Floods

The situation in the Palestinian Territories can be best described as a protracted protection crisis. The humanitarian conditions continued to deteriorate in 2021 as hostilities, heightened tensions and violence exacerbated an already dire situation. The situation in the Palestinian Territories can be best described as a protracted protection crisis. The humanitarian conditions have continued to deteriorate as hostilities, heightened tensions and violence in recent times have exacerbated an already dire situation. The entire population has endured for the last 15 years a blockade of land, air, and sea blockade. The already severe strain on the population of having to live through four conflicts in the last 14 years have had devastating consequences for mental health with many across the Gaza Strip struggling to cope with complex trauma. On 5 August, Israeli airstrikes were conducted in multiple locations in Gaza, including Gaza city, Beit Hanoun and Khan Younis. Subsequently, several rockets were fired from multiple locations across Gaza towards Israel. Exchanges of fire continued throughout 6 August. The Gaza Power Plant (GPP) shut down at noon on 6 August due to lack of fuel, causing rolling power cuts exceeding 20 hours per day. This places at severe risk the continuation of basic essential services. According to a UNOCHA, the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, has experienced a disturbing increase in armed incursions into refugee camps, use of live ammunition against civilians and settler violence in the past twelve months. Displacement and demolition remain constant threats in East Jerusalem and Area C of  the West Bank. The Appeal response members, Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR) and East Jerusalem YMCA (EJ-YMCA) will respond to the humanitarian crisis in the oPt  targeting around 17,000 individual with an appeal to raise 853,713 USD to address multiple sectors, MHPSS/Protection, Health and nutrition,  and Early recovery / livelihood restoration. APF_Appeal_PSE221

 A devastating earthquake of 5.9 magnitude struck eastern Afghanistan in the early hours of Wednesday, 22 June 2022, killing over 1,000 people, leaving 1,455 wounded and over 1,900 homes damaged. Two days later, another earthquake of 4.2 magnitude struck Giyan district in Paktika Province, killing another 5 people and leaving 11 injured. According to the aggregated numbers reported by the Ministry of Public Health, 1,036 people have been killed and 2,949 injured in the provinces of Paktika and Khost. According to recent estimates, over 362,000 people have been affected by the earthquake and are in urgent need of USD 110.3 million in assistance over the course of next three months (July – September 2022). Preliminary analysis shows that the worst impacted districts are Barmal, Ziruk, Nika and Giyan located in Paktika Province and Spera and Shamal districts in the Khost Province.  Crucial infrastructures, includes homes, health facilities, schools and water networks, have been severely damaged which left people, specifically children, women, elderly and persons with disabilities even more vulnerable. NFIs, food, healthcare, WASH and cash assistance are some of the immediate needs of the population. Community World Service Asia (CWSA) has accessed ACT Alliance's Rapid Response Fund to provide cash assistance to people who have been affected. RRF09 2022 Afghanistan Earthquake

Pakistan is in the grip of a blistering heatwave with parts of the country already scorched by extreme temperatures as officials warn of acute water shortage and health concerns.  April turned out to be the hottest month in the last 61 years, with Jacobabad registering 51 degrees celsius (123.8 F) on 15 May, 2022.  About 3.4 million people who are living below poverty line in Karachi and Umerkot are affected by the heat.  Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) has issued drought alert on May 16, 2022 caused by less than normal rainfall and exacerbated by heatwave like conditions across the country as According to the United Nations' 'Global Land Outlook' report, Pakistan is one of 23 nations that has experienced consistent drought in the last two years (2020-2022). Scientists have warned that the early arrival of a severe summer is linked to climate change, putting more than a billion people in the region at danger of heat-related consequences. Community World Service Asia (CWSA) has accessed the Rapid Response Fund to support three heatwave facilitation centers in Sindh province that caters to at-risk communities.  These facilitation centers will be equipped with stretchers, pedestal fans, that can accommodate 10 to 15 people at any given time.  The centers will provide first aid treatment such as infusions, supplements, tablets for rehydration to the affected people.   RRF 082022 Pakistan Heatwave

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Since mid-September, Honduras is facing a heavy rainy season that has created havoc and damage due to the excess rainfall, affecting the population and families from the different departments of the country, leaving their households destroyed, with no food, water, or refuge, and with their crops lost, unable to fulfill their basic needs. The Government of Honduras issued a national declaration of a state of emergency on the 24th of September due to the damages and losses caused by the heavy rainy season. At the moment, this emergency has been considered of medium scale. However, if the rain continues, it could aggravate the situation further. To date, 18 departments of the country have been affected. According to data provided by COPECO (Secretary of State in the Offices of Risk Management) and CODEM (Municipal Emergency Committee), 9 casualties and 51 wounded people have been reported, while 6,792 families have been confined. Overall, 14,320 families and 56,763 people have been affected. The ACT Forum Honduras, through its members CASM and OCDIH, is foreseeing applying for an RRF to provide joint humanitarian assistance to alleviate the humanitarian needs of the affected population in the sectors of Psychosocial support, WASH, Cash/Vouchers, Food Security/Nutrition, Household items, and Livelihoods. ACT_Alert_Honduras_floods_2022

Pakistan is experiencing abnormal monsoon rainfall since mid-June 2022, resulting in flash floods, and landslides across the country. The torrential rains continue to ravage many parts of the country. As of 31 August 2022, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has reported that 1,191 people, including over 350 children have lost their lives, 3,641 people have been injured, over 287,000 houses have been fully and 662,000 partially destroyed, and over 735,000 livestock have perished and 2 million acres of crops have been adversely impacted, besides severe damage to communications infrastructure. The number of the affected population is expected to increase as there is still a substantial number of populations who are not yet reachable. The priority needs for people are emergency shelter, food and other basic necessities, safe drinking water, and access to sanitation, hygiene, and health care. People will also need support in recovering their livelihoods lost due to the floods. Community World Service Asia (CWSA) and Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) have indicated that they plan to provide support to the people most affected, the Emergency Steering Committee has been activated to support members to determine the most appropriate ACT response ACT Alert_Pakistan Floods 2022

Located in the northeast of Uganda, Karamoja is one of the poorest regions in Uganda, with income poverty at 66% (having increased from 61% in 2017) and food poverty at 75% has increased from 70% in 2017 (UBOS: UNHS 2019/20). This year, the Karamoja region has suffered widespread crop losses and harvest failure due to delayed rains resulting in hunger. The area is suffering a prolonged drought since 2020. The hunger situation is made worse by attacks from plagues of locusts and armyworms all of which have affected crop production in the region during the past 2 years. ACT Uganda national forum member Church of Uganda (CoU) is proposing to provide food initially, then support affected communities to reduce Gender Based Violence and increase protection. In the medium to long term, CoU plans to support farmers in farming (conservation farming) and environment protection. Uganda_Hunger crisis

Thousands have fled from DR Congo to Uganda due to violent clashes that started on  28th March 2022. To date, the conflict in North Kivu and Ituri provinces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) continues. The situation remains unpredictable as there are reports of continued fighting near the border on the DRC side. Congolese nationals are still camped within Bunagana and surrounding areas on the Ugandan side of the border. The new influx of refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo is stretching Uganda's resources to the breaking point. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, alongside the Government of Uganda and humanitarian partners, is assisting some refugees in the country's southwest districts. ACT Forum Uganda 3W Matrix Uganda_Response to DRC Refugees

In May 2022, rains started in the state of Assam and resulted in flooding in 27 districts of the state. Approximately 670,000 people were affected by the floods during this first wave. Continued rainfall due to monsoon season in the catchment areas of the main rivers of Assam (Brahmaputra, Barak and their tributaries) since the second week of June resulted in an increase in water levels in all the major rivers in the state and also landslides. The flood situation remains to be grim on 4 July with the total death toll to 179. Local government stated a total of 17 embankments, 486 roads and 14 bridges were damaged. 1,618 villages were under water and 47,198.87 hectares of crop areas were damaged across Assam. Damage to infrastructure is feared to cause long-term impacts, such as disruptions to supplies of clean water, wastewater treatment, electricity, transport, communication, education and health care. ACT India Forum members plan to respond to the needs of the affected people through the Rapid Response Fund. ACT Alert India Assam Floods   

An earthquake of 5.9 magnitude have struck southeastern Afghanistan on June 22, 2022, leading to wide-scale destruction across already vulnerable districts in Paktika and Khost provinces. The event is categorized as medium level emergency as it has badly impacted Barmal, Ziruk, Nikka and Giyan districts of Paktika province, and Spera and Shamal districts in Khost province. Provincial officials initially reported that nearly 1,000 people had been killed, while the UN OCHA has estimated that at least 770 people have been killed and 1,500 people have been wounded. Some 1,500 houses have been damaged in district Giyan only. It is estimated that at least 70% of the houses in the high impact areas have been damaged or destroyed, leaving families without shelter and sleeping outdoor due to damage to houses and fear of aftershocks. In addition to loss of life and devastating injury, the earthquake has resulted in the destruction of critical infrastructures, including health facilities, schools and water sources. It is estimated that a total of 361,634 people is in need of humanitarian assistance across 17 districts in Paktika, Khost and Paktya provinces. The earthquake affected provinces were already under the crisis level and acute food insecurity. The lean season is underway at the moment when the food resources are already at the borderline of consumption. A rapid onset of the Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD) has been reported across most of the earthquake affected areas. Immediate attention is required to this issue to curtail the spread of the outbreak. Community World Service Asia plans to respond to the affected communities through Rapid Response Fund. ACT Alert Afghanistan Earthquake

The situation in the Palestinian Territories can be best described as a protracted protection crisis. The humanitarian conditions continued to deteriorate in 2021 as hostilities, heightened tensions and violence exacerbated an already dire situation. The Gaza Strip continues to face critical conditions. The entire population has endured for the last 15 years a blockade of land, air, and sea blockade. The already severe strain on the population of having to live through four conflicts in the last 14 years have had devastating consequences for mental health with many across the Gaza Strip struggling to cope with complex trauma. According to a UN organization, the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, has experienced a disturbing increase in armed incursions in the past twelve months. These incursion into refugee camps, use of live ammunition against civilians and settler violence, while displacement and demolition remain constant threats.   At the peak of the lockdown and economic restrictions, around 110,000 additional Palestinians entered poverty. The new poor were concentrated in rural areas of the West Bank and were more likely to be living in female-headed households. With 20% of previously employed main income earners losing their jobs, income fell in more than 60% of Palestinian households during the height of the pandemic. DSPR and EJ YMCA plan to continue their response providing assistance to the Palestinians. Alert Palestine Protracted Crisis

A heatwave emergency has gripped the country for the last two months and still continues. The heat level peaked on 1 May 2022 when one of the districts in Sindh province hit 49.5 degree Celsius, the hottest temperature recorded in 2022. Another district hit the temperature half of the boiling point. It is estimated that about 3.4 million people who are living below poverty line in Karachi and Umerkot, are vulnerable to the effects of the heatwave. Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) has informed that day temperature in certain parts of Sindh province is likely to increase gradually and shall remain between 46-48 degrees. The summer months usually begin from April and last till September . The weather gets extremely harsh from May to July while August and September are more humid which can cause dehydration, heat exhaustion and heatstroke. The prevailing hot and dry weather could cause stress on water reservoirs, crops, vegetables, and orchards as well as increase energy and water demand that in current crisis is difficult to manage. Community World Service Asia plans to provide support to the people most affected through the Rapid Response Fund. ACT Alert Pakistan Heatwave 

The Horn and East Africa region has been hit by a severe drought affecting Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya. The rains in October -December 2020 were below average in addition the rains in March-May and October to December of 2021 were also below average while the current rains March-May 2022 are scanty and below average. The situation is now moving to a critical stage. With drought being cyclic in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia, there have been close to three and in some areas, four failed rainy seasons. In Ethiopia, 5.5-6.5million people are affected, in Kenya 2.8million are affected and in Somalia, 6 million people are affected[1]. The food security situation of these populations falls between integrated phased classification (IPC) of 3-4 bordering on catastrophic phase. The populations in phase 3 are rapidly moving into an emergency and crisis phase of IPC 4 due to the livestock losses and stretched coping mechanisms. Country forums from Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya are submitting a regional appeal to respond to the drought. Horn and Eastern Africa_Drought

Due to persistent rains from Friday, the 8th of April 2022, with the heaviest rainfall experienced on Monday and Tuesday (11th and 12th April). In the Durban area, over 300 mm of rain was recorded in the 24-hour period. Many roads and bridges were washed away, leaving many communities cut off. Houses and buildings were washed away or damaged by mudslides. Many rivers burst their banks. Trucks and cars were washed away.  At a shipping container depot, several containers were washed away. According to the initial assessment done by the Disaster Management Centre, about 2000 RDP houses (low income) and 4000 shacks (informal) have been damaged. The number of formal houses damaged is unknown now. Several Business properties were also damaged forcing them to shut down until clean-up is completed. The water and electricity infrastructure was damaged. Parts of the electricity network have been restored and the Company responsible for the water treatment plant is busy trying to repair the damage. This is a small to medium-scale emergency in the Province of KwaZulu Natal, which lies to the east of South Africa, along the Indian Ocean. To the north lies the border with Mozambique and Eswatini (Swaziland). At present ELCSA cannot give a breakdown by gender, and age as people are still streaming into temporary shelters. All race groups have been affected but most that have gone to temporary shelters are black South Africans who were the worst affected. The immediate need is housing, food, clothes, and blankets. In the medium term to long term, people would need assistance with rebuilding their homes. All the owners that lived in the RPD houses and shacks would not have insurance. It is not sure how many of the formal houses have insurance to assist with rebuilding. Businesses would claim from their insurances but the length of time that they will be paid out or start the rebuilding is not known. ACT South Africa member, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in South Africa (ELCSA) is planning to launch a rapid response fund to respond to those who have been severely affected. South Africa­_Flooding

Please note information remains limited as actions on the ground are developing constantly and rapidly. Armed conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine erupted on 24th February 2022 and within the first 24 hours extensive violence was presented causing loss of lives and massive movement of people. Martial law is invoked allowing authorities to impose restrictions on movement, block rallies, and ban political parties and organisations, by doing so civilians in Ukraine have to look to the military to enforce laws. Airports are now shut, few number of railways are operational. Since military governance is in place governors of each Oblast hold all the power. Millions of civilians fleeing the violence are heading towards Western districts and towards neighbouring countries such as Poland, Moldova, Romania and Hungary, final destination is not clear. Many roads are blocked, male Ukrainians (age 18-60) are halted at the borders. Damage to civilian infrastructure has left hundreds of thousands of people without electricity or water. Hundreds of homes have been damaged or destroyed, while bridges and roads damaged by shelling have left some communities cut off from markets. Besides, even before that, i.e. in the beginning of February, the situation in the demarcation zone in Donbas has worsened. As a result more than 100,000 refugees from Donbass and Eastern Ukraine crossed the border to find refugee to the territory of the Rostov region of Russia. Civilians fleeing violence – armed conflict in Ukraine

The state of São Paulo was hit by heavy summer rains that affected with greater severity the metropolitan area of the state capital. Between January 29 and 30, it rained from 80 mm to 170 mm in several areas of the central and eastern parts of the state. The 4-day accumulation was very close to the historical monthly average of rainfall. On the 1rst of February, because of this accumulation, the summer rain resulted in the displacement of more than 4,500 families in the 37 affected municipalities and 29 deaths. Among these deaths, 8 are children and 4 adolescents. There was also great infrastructures damage. The highest number of deaths is concentrated in the municipality of Franco da Rocha, where there are also 7 people missing in the landslide area and who are still being searched for by volunteers and rescue teams.  The region of Franco da Rocha was the most damaged by the January rains. With 156.4 thousand inhabitants, Franco da Rocha is the third city in the metropolitan region of São Paulo with the most risk areas mapped. There are 382 points at risk of collapse or flooding, where around 19 thousand dwellings are located. The city of Franco da Rocha has issued an alert for the opening of the floodgates of a dam, as it has reached its safety limit, with 81.6% of its operational capacity. Brazil_Floods_Sao_Paulo_alert



Niall O’Rourke

Head of Humanitarian Affairs


Geneva, Switzerland

Caroline Njogu

Regional Humanitarian Officer


Nairobi, Kenya

Cyra Bullecer

Humanitarian Operations Manager


Bangkok, Thailand

George Majaj

Humanitarian Programme Advisor


Amman, Jordan

Anyi Elizabeth Morales Mora

Humanitarian Programme Officer

Latin America and the Caribbean

Bogota, Colombia

Marjorie Schmidt

Finance Coordinator


Geneva, Switzerland