Through its members ACT Alliance is present in more than 120 countries worldwide. ACT Alliance members are organized in national, regional, and sub-regional forums to harness the strength and skills of international members and the uniqueness and experience of the local and national members to increase resilience and ensure a sustainable humanitarian response.
Act Church of Sweden started with Church of Sweden Mission, formed in 1874. Today, the international work is fully integrated in the Church of Sweden. (6 million members) Our identity as a church form the basis of our international commitment. The priorities reflect the breadth of the global ecumenical cooperation that we are a part of and which builds on the potential that exists in cooperation with other ACT Alliance members in regional and national ACT forums. The Act Church of Sweden`s work can contribute, in particular, to help create contacts and synergies between churches, faith-based partners and other actors in the development work, for example, specialised thematic resource organisations, the private sector and academic institutions. The aim is to support local churches and civil society organisations to be viable and dynamic actors, which contribute, through a human-rights-based approach, to help create a platform for people to be recognised, make an impact and be heard. mission of “Apostoli” is the love and charity taught by God, by helping the less favoured social groups and improving their living conditions through the provision of every possible help. They are the same principles that lead us to continue this work and to move with today’s new circumstances but with teachings derived from the teaching of the Gospel and the tradition of our Church. Inter-Church Charitable Round Table Foundation (ART) works in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh: * To help Armenian society face, and overcome socio-economic hardships and to restore hope, promoting Christian values. * To help and empower vulnerable communities and community-based organizations solve their social, economic and ecological problems through programs in the areas of development and social diakonia, in order, * To ensure the success of collaborative programs with local partners and long-term program sustainability, ART contributes significantly to Church NGO capacity-building and advocacy. Given the urgent need for regional peace, ART works with its stakeholders * To promote peace-building and reconciliation at both the national and international levels. für die Welt (Bread for the World) is the globally active development and relief agency of the Protestant churches in Germany. In more than 90 countries all across the globe we empower the poor and marginalised to improve their living conditions. Key issues of our work are food security, the promotion of health and education, the access to water, the strengthening of democracy, respecting human rights, keeping peace and the integrity of creation.
http://www.brot-fuer-die-welt.deChristian Aid is a Christian organisation that insists the world can and must be swiftly changed to one where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty. We work globally for profound change that eradicates the causes of poverty, striving to achieve equality, dignity and freedom for all, regardless of faith or nationality. We are part of a wider movement for social justice. We provide urgent, practical and effective assistance where need is great, tackling the effects of poverty as well as its root causes. Aid Ireland works to help end poverty, injustice, inequality and violence in some of the poorest countries across the world. We support people of all faiths and none, and our work is based on our Christian belief that everyone deserves to a live a full life. We tackle both the symptoms and root causes of poverty and injustice, challenging the systems and structures that keep people poor, powerless, marginalised and vulnerable. is an internationally development and emergency relief organisation, working in and on fragility in 20 countries in Africa and Asia. We believe in a world where people can break through barriers of poverty and exclusion, influence decisions that affect them, and participate in equitable and resilient societies. Our partners support communities and their endeavours to improve healthcare, food security, education, security and justice. Where disasters strike, we offer humanitarian assistance. We have emerged from the Christian social traditions. The values of human dignity, justice, and compassion guide us in our work.
https://www.cordaid.orgDanChurchAid’s aim is to strengthen the world’s poorest people in their struggle for a life in dignity. Our work is based on a Christian view of humanity with respect for every individual’s rights and equal worth. DanChurchAid is rooted in the Danish National Evangelical Lutheran Church, but is active wherever we find the need is highest, regardless of religion, gender, political beliefs, race, national or ethnic origins, handicaps or sexual orientation.
http://danchurchaid.orgDiaconia partners with small, in-country organizations across the globe. We believe that resources are best utilized by those with the deepest understanding of the local culture and history. We greatly value the unique insights and skills our partners offer and we rely on local resources whenever possible. Our projects start with local empowerment because we believe that economic and social development is only effective when community members take ownership. Through this model, we foster long-lasting projects that respect the cultural and political autonomy of the people with whom we work. We believe that individuals and communities can think and act big to bring about social justice. We believe in building strong partnerships. By working together, we create more effective change. We believe in community driven projects, led by those who have the deepest understanding of the issues. We believe that creativity and passion drive social change. is the joint international development organization of two Swedish churches. Our head office is located in Sweden. We have regional offices in Africa, Asia, the Middle East/North Africa and Latin America, as well as local offices in most of the 30 countries where we have partner organizations.
http://www.diakonia.seWorldwide solidarity is a basic principle of assistance in the service of our fellow humans. In these times when our lives are subject to ever increasing globalisation, we see it as our responsibility to provide assistance wherever it may be required in the world. Providing disaster relief as Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe and development cooperation as Brot für die Welt, the work of Diakonie Austria is designed to strengthen the independence and initiative of those concerned. We provide assistance in the wake of natural disasters, war or displacement to those people who are most vulnerable, regardless of race, religion, gender or age. We place particular emphasis on support for long-term development projects in developing countries. Katastrophenhilfe provides humanitarian aid worldwide. It supports people who have fallen victim to natural disasters, war and displacement. Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe helps people in greatest need – worldwide, regardless of their colour, religion and nationality. One of the most important principles of its work is impartiality and independence. Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe painstakingly observes its aim not to become an instrument for political, economic or military interests. Particularly in conflict areas, it attaches great value to asserting its independence from all parties involved. International is an ecumenical worldwide microfinance organization delivering financial and related services to disadvantaged and vulnerable people. Micro-financial services offer these people access to capital resources that enable them to build sustainable livelihoods. This opens up a path from dependence and uncertainty to self-reliance and stability. ECLOF International is a global network. With offices in 20 countries across 3 continents, we combine local knowledge on the ground with the resources of an international organization in the service of human dignity. is an ecumenical organization of five Churches, founded in 1991, representative at both confessional and ethnical level in Romania: The Romanian Orthodox Church, the Reformed Church (Hungarian), the Evangelical CA Church (German), The Evangelical Lutheran Church (Hungarian and Slovakian) and the Armenian Church. AIDRom has constituted as a platform for financing, communitarian development and inter-confessional and inter-ethnical dialogue. According to its mandates, AIDRom has been empowered ab initio to be operative by: financing projects, consultancy, expertise transfer, action for increasing the managerial capacity and for implementing projects at the level of community, institutions etc. is a Christian organization working on Poverty Reduction, the development of inter-church cooperation and promotion of human rights contributes to building a cohesive civil society in Serbia.
http://www.ehons.orgFaros is a Christian non-profit organization dedicated to supporting unaccompanied children and refugee teenagers in Greece. Our vision is to see every unaccompanied child and refugee teenager live with dignity, hope, and be equipped to make a positive change in society. We provide holistic care and essential services such as protection, accommodation, non-formal education, and integration support to children and teenagers on the move. Together, we wish to light their way.´s work promotes human dignity and justice around the world. The Christian message of hope, faith and neighbourly love has been the cornerstone of our work for 160 years. We currently work in 30 countries with more than 100 partner churches and organisations.
https://www.felm.orgFinn Church Aid (FCA) is the largest Finnish development cooperation organisation and the second largest provider of humanitarian assistance. We operate in 13 countries, where the needs are most dire. We work with the poorest people, regardless of their religious beliefs, ethnic background or political convictions. Our operation includes long-term development cooperation, humanitarian assistance and advocacy, and we operate around three thematic areas: Right to Education, Right to Livelihood and Right to Peace. Interchurch Aid assists people in need and deprivation through its expanding community of experts, volunteers, donors and corporate partners regardless of nationality, religion and ideology. HIA provides help in accordance with the strictest professional and transparency rules in Hungary, and in the international arena as a member of the international community. OUR OBJECTIVES Assistance to people in need: to deliver quick, professional and effective assistance to crisis victims of natural and man-made disasters. Fight against poverty: to not only offer emergency assistance but also the chance to break out of poverty. Stronger social solidarity: to strengthen social solidarity through creating the culture of volunteering and giving.álparstarf kirkjunnar / Icelandic Church Aid (ICA) is an independent foundation established by the National Church of Iceland. It is governed by a council of representatives. Each Parish has its representative and a deputy, and five are selected by the Church Council. Each congregation is also encouraged to appoint a representative to the council. The council meets twice a year. The role of ICA is to initiate and coordinate relief work carried out in the name of the Icelandic Church. Its broad aim is to assist people in need, regardless of its cause and regardless of nationality, race, religion or political ideas. Our relief work is organized and carried out in close cooperation with people and institutions we know and trust. ICA participates in the work of two important international organizations: The Lutheran World Federation and ACT Alliance. ICA does not confine all its work to distant places. Since its foundation it has assisted people in Iceland suffering from economic pove in Actie is the programme for missionary and diaconal work of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands and of 10 smaller churches and ecumenical organisations. We want to emphasize that the local church-communities are actively participating in missionary and diaconal work. Kerk in Actie facilitates relations between local congregations in the Netherlands and churches and organisations abroad regarding the proclamation of the Gospel and promotion of justice. Kerk in Actie co-operates with almost thousand partner churches and organisations in more than 60 countries of Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Eastern Europe. This involves: financial support for the work of these partner organisations sharing personnel expressing sympathy through intercessory prayers, spreading information and mutual visits lobby and advocacy Kerk in Actie does not implement its own projects but always works through local partners. 21 is a beacon of hope for a more just world. We are active globally in promoting peace, improving education, delivering health services and reducing poverty, especially for women and girls. We also provide educational services in Switzerland. We are committed to sustainable long-term development cooperation as well as emergency aid and reconstruction efforts. We conceive and pursue our projects in accordance with the United Nations sustainable development goals 2030. With our Christian roots we reach out to twenty countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. We cooperate with more than seventy partner organizations in over one hundred projects. EineWelt is the Centre for Partnership, Development and Mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria (ELCB). Therefore we represent the ELCB as member of act alliance. The centre fosters relations with Lutheran partner churches in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific Region. In addition, development policy is our educational mission in Germany. In the scope of cooperation, we have relations with various churches in Africa, East Asia, Australia, North America and Scandinavia. Church Aid struggles together with people and organisations across the world to eradicate poverty and injustice. We provide emergency assistance in disasters and work for long-term development in local communities. In order to address the root causes of poverty, we advocate for just decisions by public authorities, business and religious leaders. Norwegian Church Aid is an ecumenical diakonal organisation for global justice. Our work is carried out with no intention of influencing people's religious affiliation. To ensure efficiency and create results, Norwegian Church Aid is a member of the ACT Alliance, one of the world's largest humanitarian alliances. The alliance consists of church-based organisations throughout the world and cooperates with organisations across religious faiths. Charitable Fund of the Serbian Orthodox Church is the charitable fund of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Values and principles of the organization are determined in Philanthropy's objectives: Assisting the poor, ill, disadvantaged and all vulnerable groups Assisting victims of massive disasters Assisting in creating conditions for economic stability within the vulnerable and impoverished groups in society Improving social, psychosocial, and health protection of vulnerable groups Contributing to education of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups Raising awareness about the causes of poverty, and the means and methods to overcome these challenges Raising awareness, especially among members of the Serbian Orthodox Church worldwide, about the significance of charity, dedication, and performing good deeds, Improving Philanthropy's organisational capacities in order to implement programs and activities at the highest possible standard. Philanthropy is implementing a number of comple Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations is a major Synodal institution of the Russian Orthodox Church. DECR was founded by the Holy Synod on 4 April 1946, when the development of the Church’s external activities made it urgent to establish a special church body for sustaining this essential aspect of church life.é Protestante is a Belgian NGO. We support local actors who provide care for vulnerable people for the recovery of a dignified life and promote better risk prevention. We are working with our partners in three African countries (Burundi, DR Congo and Guinea). Our priorities are: · Fight against gender-based violence by supporting women and girls who are victims of abuses; · Support people with HIV/AIDS by ensuring a regular shipment of medicines and helping them develop income- generating activities; · Encourage voluntary testing for HIV / AIDS and provide support to awareness-raising activities. Church Aid is the aid organisation of the Swiss Protestant Churches and champions the cause of a more humane and just world. Its projects combat the causes of hunger, injustice and social distress, abroad as well as in Switzerland. The dignity of every human being is central to our commitment. Our work is guided by Christian values and the universal human rights. They also inspire our organisational culture. Swiss Church Aid bases its work on values like justice, self-determination, solidarity, responsibility, participation and respect. Our international cooperation focuses on development of rural communities, conflict transformation, humanitarian aid and church cooperation. We operate in 17 countries or regions through coordination offices with our own local staff. Project work is implemented mainly by local partner organisations. Projects aim at promoting and fostering autonomy and self-determination of beneficiaries. Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is a global communion of Christian churches in the Lutheran tradition. Founded in 1947 in Lund, Sweden, the LWF has 145 member churches in 98 countries all over the world representing over 72 million Christians. The LWF strives to put faith into action working in areas of ecumenical and interfaith relations, theological reflection, humanitarian assistance, international affairs and human rights, and mission and development. The Department for World Service is the LWF’s internationally recognized humanitarian and development arm. Rooted in Christian values of love, reconciliation and justice, World Service responds to human need throughout the world - irrespective of ethnicity, gender, religion, race, or political conviction. LWF World Service’s 5000 staff run programs and projects in 22 countries. Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Christ and to meet human needs in his name without discrimination. The movement, founded in 1865 in London, has spread to many parts of the world, today serving in nearly 130 countries. Evangelistic and social enterprises are maintained, under the authority of the International leader, the General, by full-time officers and employees, as well as soldiers who give service in their free time. The need for modern facilities and longer-term development is under continual review. Increasingly the Army's policy and its indigenous membership allow it to cooperate with international relief agencies and governments alike. Evangelical Mission is an international and national mission organisation; they understand mission as a holistic commission, and they cooperate to carry out their task. Therefore, evangelism diaconia, advocacy, development and partnership are integral parts of their mission to spread the gospel. UEM is global and works locally in Africa, Asia, and Germany. World Young Women’s Christian Association (World YWCA) is a global movement working for women’s empowerment, leadership and rights in more than 120 countries and 20’000 local communities. Empowering women and girls is our way to change the world. Our members and supporters include women from many different faiths, ages, backgrounds, beliefs and cultures.
http://www.worldywca.orgACT Ubumbano is a network of Southern African and European organisations working for economic, gender and environmental justice, by facilitating critical reflection on social justice practice, listening to the voices of those who are most affected by injustice, and supporting innovative and collaborative solidarity initiatives that address unjust power relations globally. Anglican Development Services (ADS-Kenya) is charged with the church's development issues. ADS Kenya partners with other churches, NGOs, ecumenical bodies, funding partners & the government to fulfill its vision on social transformation.
http://www.adskenya.orgentre Oecuménique pour la Promotion du Monde Rural (COPROMOR) works for the welfare of beneficiary groups by supporting their sustainable development initiatives and enterprises, with a view to promoting a well-organised and structured rural society, in which peasants maintain their identity and are in control of their own development. COPROMOR has been actively engaged in promoting food security for 19 years. The 2000-2003 three-year programme focused on increasing family income, while the current programme, which began on 1 April 2003, focuses more on increasing agricultural production in rural communities.
Basis: To be a member a church must confess the triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ as the Saviour, and the only Savoiur according to the scriptures. Mission statement: The Council exists for the renewal and empowerment of the local church as an agent of reconciliation within the church and society, in the reign of God. It also exists as the voice of the voiceless, the poor and the marginalized. The CCL is organized in eight regional committees: Mokhotlong, Butha-Buthe, Leribe, Mafeteng, Mohale's Hoek, Quthing, Qacha's Nek, and Thaba-Tseka Regional Committee. statement: To facilitate and build the capacity of member churches that ensures a sustained Christian lifestyle, witness and transformation of the Nigerian society. Council of Tanzania (CCT) is an umbrella organization bringing together protestant denominations and church related organizations (13 National Churches and 10 Church related organizations). Its mission is to promote unity and sustain spiritual and prophetic role of the Churches and serve as an instrument for advocacy, monitoring and expression of common voice on crosscutting issues for the community. CCT works extensively around the following areas: Women Development Children and Gender, Youth Development, Health and HIV/AIDS, Advocacy and Policy analysis, Climate Change, Environment and Food Security, Media and Advocacy, Peace, Socio-Economic Justice and Good Governance, Interfaith Relations and Ecumenism. of Household & Community Transformation (HCT) is one of the seven Directorates of Church of Uganda. The development arm of the Church of Uganda is instrumental in responding to socio-economic issues, provision of relief and fostering community development initiatives. CoU-HCT Directorate core mandates are; to support households and communities in: enhancing food and income security; mitigating the effects of climate change and enhancing environmental management; disaster risk reduction and emergency response; integrated natural resource management; Gender and Social Justice as well as institutional strengthening and capacity enhancement. Church of Uganda Vision: A faster growing sustainable Christ-centered Church Mission: To proclaim the Gospel according Christ’s commission to make disciples of all nations. Action in Relief and Development (CARD) is a humanitarian church-based organisation providing emergency relief, rehabilitation assistance and facilitates development to disaster affected and vulnerable people without discrimination. The organisation has 19 member churches. CARD's mission aims at providing emergency relief assistance in short term to communities affected by disasters. On medium and long term development support initiatives, CARD aims at local communities empowerment both economically and socially; and the rehabilitation and conservation of natural resources to attain a balanced ecosystem.
The Repatriation Resettlement and Rehabilitation Programme of the Christian Council of Mozambique, Lutheran World Federation and Caritas Mozambique was transformed into the Ecumenical Committee for Social Development (CEDES). This change coincided with the end of the process of repatriation and CEDES began focusing from 1998 onwards more on the reconstruction of social infrastructures such as schools, health posts and water facilities, which prior to the war had been non-existent or which during the war had been destroyed. During this period CEDES defined its Mission as: “To develop sustainable participatory and empowering community development, which contribute to improvements in their standards of living and when necessary to provide a rapid response in humanitarian situation of needs”. was organized in 1924; existing first as a forum for fellowship for the mainline Protestant Churches. We now are a communion of 18 Protestant Churches existing to corporately address the issues facing contemporary society from a united Christian perspective. Current departments are Human Rights and Social Services, Development and Ecumenical Relationships. Governance: We have a Executive Committee made up of the Heads of Churches and a Standing Committee selected by the Executive Committee which meets between meetings of the Executive Committee. of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) has been founded in 1945 as the Christian Council of Northern Rhodesia, which became the Christian Council of Zambia in 1964. The church has dual role of evangelism and provider of service for the poor and defender of the rights of the marginalised. It is also committed to the promotion of human dignity. In fighting for social justice, the role of the church is much about provision of social services such as education, health, employment, food and shelter. CCZ is therefore engaged in enabling member churches to fulfill this dual role. in the early 80s, Dignus Burkina Faso (previously Association of Reformed Evangelical Churches of Burkina Faso) is a Christian faith-based organisation recognised as an NGO in 1986 by the Government of Burkina Faso. The strength of the Dignus is entrusted in its engagement to witness the Gospel in words and deeds amongst poor people. With its large network of church staff,Dignus is able to implement emergency appeals. The Dignus is a member of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC), the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the ACT Alliance. Its action is built on the principle of a holistic approach of life as stated in its vision: “life in fullness for all” (Jn 10, 10).
The EJN of FOCCISA is a faith-based organisation based in Cape Town, South Africa but working in 12 countries of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) region. We are a project of 12 National Councils of Churches (NCCs) of Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Our vision To harness the resources of the southern African region for all of its people, with a view to bringing about economic justice through the transforming agency of Christians compelled by the gospel of Jesus Christ. ECLF is a forum of like-minded Christian leaders, both clergy and lay, who saw the need to meaningfully contribute towards conflict management and resolution. These leaders were drawn from across denominations and mother bodies, the Zimbabwe Council of Churches, Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference & the Union of the Development of Apostolic Church in Zimbabwe & Africa. The increased tensions in the political circles and the dwindling economic and social imbalances created another violence in the lives of the citizens. Having had a sad history of serious violence since independence, Zimbabwe almost had a repeat of the same in 2008. The role of the Church was not visible yet most Zimbabweans looked up to the Church to proffer solutions and cried for the divine intervention in their situations. ECLF emerged & focused on a peace building programme duped 'Conflict Prevention, Management, Resolution & Transformation (CPMRT).
http://www.eclfz.orgBureau Oecuménique d'Appui au Développement (BOAD) is a non-governmental development organisation, set up in October 1997 at the instigation of key actors in North Kivu and as a partner of ACT-Netherlands, in order to contribute to reestablishing the credibility of local organisations in DRC. It aims to strengthen the institutional capacities of 12 local partner organisations. Since January 2000 BOAD has been a registered Congolese NGO under DRC legislation 18 years of negotiations, the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar was founded in 1968 through the union of three churches which arose out of the work of the London Missionary Society, the Paris Missionary Society and the Friends Foreign Mission Association. It is the largest Protestant church in the country. The department has its own articles of association and its own internal regulations. SAF/FJKM is a Non Governmental Organisation that operates at the national level. It has thirty years of experience in rural development actions in Madagascar. SAF has implemented a number of ACT appeals in the past, including post cyclone interventions and interventions during drought and cholera epidemics. sa Constitution, l'Église du Christ au Congo accomplit une double mission : interne et externe. Sur le plan intérieur, elle travaille dans les domaines d'évangélisation, d'éducation chrétienne et de diaconie. Présente et dynamique sur toute l'étendue du pays, l'ECC est socialement visible à travers les temples, les écoles, les hôpitaux, les activités agricoles et de développement. Sur le plan extérieur, l'ECC envoie des missionnaires et entretient de bonnes relations avec les Eglises étrangères et Organismes chrétiens internationaux. L'ECC voudrait être une Eglise véritablement évangélique, organisée, démocratique, autonome, forte et missionnaire. Evangelical Lutheran Church in Congo(ELCCo), formerly Evangelical Lutheran Church of Zaïre, was founded in the early 1960s at the initiative of lay people who followed the Bible studies offered by the former Radio Voice of the Gospel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Some congregations were opened, some committees established and the structure of the church was progressively formed. A young evangelist who, with three others, started the church, received his pastoral training at the Seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) in Makumira, Tanzania and asked the ELCT for support in 1968. Some Tanzanian pastors were sent to Zaïre to take care of the flock. The church was growing, and the number of pastors and evangelists increased. In 1980 the church was officially recognized by the state and registered as a non-profit making association. The church became a member of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in 1986.
Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) Development and Social Services Commission is engaged in implementation of the following programs through it’s local church units DASSC offices through out the country. Integrated Rural Development through community based and gender balanced projects Child and Youth Care Programs for disabled destitute and Orphans through schools, sponsorship programs, Home/family based supports, Hostels, Training Centres and other long and short term trainings Preventive and Curative Health Care Services Community water supply Environmental Conservation and Rehabilitation Through Agriculture production Development and Use of Appropriate Technologies Social Health Program with Focus on HIV- AIDS and Family planning Community Capacity Building Promotion and supporting initiation of Justice, Peace and Human Rights Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation Services Promotion of Gender and Development Ethiopian Orthodox Church Development and Inter-Church Aid Commission (EOC-DICAC) is the development wing of the church, which was established by a legal notice No. 415 of 1972. It is the oldest Faith Based Organisation in the country. EOC-DICAC’s mission is to assist the disadvantaged communities in Ethiopia to attain self reliance by tackling the root causes of poverty, drought, conflict, gender inequality and fighting HIV/AIDS pandemic by promoting sustainable development programs and community empowerment. Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (N-T) is a vibrant church committed to its roots in the Bible and the reformation committed to mission and works of love committed to transformation in society and church committed to a ministry of healing and reconciliation committed to worship and discipleship officially began its work in 1963. Before there were 7 churches in the then Tanganyika (now Tanzania). The 7 churches amalgamated on the 19th day of June 1963. At the time of amalgamation, there were a total number of 500,000 church members. To date, ELCT has 6.3m members. The church is divided into 22 Dioceses (two dioceses registered this year). Each Diocese is headed by a Bishop. The headquarters for the ELCT are in Arusha. The church is headed the Presiding Bishop (Bish. Dr. Alex Gehaz Malasusa), Secretary General (Mr. Brighton B. Killewa). Lutheran Development Program (ELDP) was established in 1989 in response to a request from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi (ELCM) and the Government of Malawi with the aim to provide assistance to Mozambican refugees then in Malawi. To aid local communities, the Rural Community Motivation and Development Project was established with a focus on food security, functional adult literacy, reforestation and safe and clean water. The program has evolved into an integrated community approach.
The Fellowship of Christian Councils and Churches in the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa (FECCLAHA) is a regional ecumenical body consisting of councils and churches. It provides a platform for members to share perspectives on issues of common concern, particularly with regard to peace building and conflict transformation and to foster strong ecumenical cooperation in taking ownership and responsibility for problems in the region and proactively seek solution to them. It aims at building equitable and peaceful communities where individuals live in harmony and justice within the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa. Liberia Council of Churches is a grouping of churches acting together as an ecumenical advocacy body founded in 1982. It’s extensive network of christian communities in all 15 counties of Liberia has enabled it to become the premier Christian advocacy and mediation body, both working towards national reconciliation, and giving voice nationally to the marginalized, excluded and underserved groups in our society. In mainstreaming inclusiveness, the LCC works with a large network of Pentecostal fellowships in providing disaster relief.
The Lutheran Development Service in Liberia (LDS – Liberia) is a Lutheran non-governmental organization that was established in January 2002. It is the development arm of the Lutheran Church in Liberia with the responsibilities to provide diaconal services to people in an impartial way. In 2010, LDS took over the activities of the Lutheran World Federation/Department for World Service, Liberia programme (LWF/DWS – Liberia). LDS aims to positively contribute to peaceful, sustainable communities in Liberia through provision of high quality rights-based development, empowerment and relief programmes. Lutheran Development Service Zimbabwe is an associate programme of the LWF and is the development arm of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe (ELCZ) The focus of its current development work is water and food security, micro-finance and economic development, environmental management and sanitation, HIV and AIDS and infrastructure development and ICT in rural areas. It also is engaged in emergency relief. Great Assembly of the Synod is the decision-making institution of the Malagasy Lutheran Church. Its members meet once every four years. The Malagasy Lutheran Church is organised in 23 Regional Synods. The second level of structure is the Synod Committee which meets twice a year, in May and in November and works according to the decision of the Great Assembly. The Head Office, as the third level, is the executive body. It is constituted of the President, the Vice President, the General Secretary, the Vice-General Secretary and the Treasurer of the MLC.
MeDRA is a Christian-based Local NGO owned by the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe. MeDRA has a spiritual approach to sustainable development and is dedicated to improving the quality of life in Zimbabwe. MeDRA was registered as a private voluntary organization (PVO) in August 2009 although activities started in 2004. The organization has its mandate to undertake Humanitarian and Developmental programs that aim at meaningfully contributing towards positive socio-economic change in Zimbabwe, beginning with marginalized communities and most vulnerable populations. The organization is providing long term needed assistance in the areas of agriculture, water and sanitation, environmental health and emergency humanitarian aid. MeDRA is committed to empowering marginalized and vulnerable groups especially women and children in rural and urban communities towards sustainable self-sufficiency. National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) is a fellowship of protestant churches and Christian organisations registered in Kenya, founded in 1913. It works towards promoting fellowship and ecumenism, nurturing a common understanding of the Christian faith and mission, building the capacities of the membership, enhancing the creation of a just and sustainable society and upholding its corporate health, identity, heritage and sustainability Presbyterian Church of East Africa dates back 120 years ago and is one of the most established Churches in Kenya. Right from the beginning, the Church has been involved in holistic ministry in Eastern Africa. In order to be more effective in its operations in obedience to the Great Commission, the Church has decided to adopt a strategic planning approach. The Church is taking a strategic planning management direction that will see PCEA transformed from a Good to a Great Dynamic Model Church for effective holistic ministry and mission work in Eastern Africa and beyond. The Vision is, therefore “To be a Great and Dynamic Godly Model Church for holistic service in pursuance of the Great Commission”. The Mission of this plan is thus “To empower, equip, build and transform God’s people for effective service through preaching, teaching and witnessing in words and deeds …..” PRDA was established in 1993 it continues with its ORIGINAL mission to offer hope and provision of development opportunities to the people of South Sudan following years of war and neglect. The institution’s concentration has largely been in the provision of basic support systems such as food security, water and sanitation, and healthcare. Action Community Based Organization (RACOBAO) is a national NGO based in Uganda that was founded in 2008. Before its transition, RACOBAO was one of the projects of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Department for World Service since 1992. It aimed at reducing the incidence of HIV/AIDS and promoting social economic development among the poor and disadvantaged rural communities in Lyantonde and Rakai districts bordering Tanzania. RACOBAO works under the auspices of the Church of Uganda with the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of West Buganda as its Board Chairman by constitution. The organization is mandated by the government of Uganda to work nationally across Uganda. just three years after independence in 1964, the Tanganyika Christian Refugee Service (TCRS) was established in order to provide emergency relief and humanitarian services to refugees and asylum-seekers. Operating first as the Tanzanian country programme of the Lutheran World Federation's Department for World Service (LWF/DWS) and then (beginning in 2006) as an autonomous organization and LWF/DWS affiliate programme, TCRS has gained a reputation as a unique organization - indeed, virtually an "institution" rather than a NGO - which commands considerable respect in Tanzania and beyond. Since its inception, TCRS has assisted more than two million beneficiaries and has successfully implemented countless different projects in more than half of the regions in mainland Tanzania. Today, TCRS continues to provide relevant humanitarian support and sustainable development opportunities to an estimated 300,000 people annually, making TCRS and its subsidiary programmes some of the longest United Church of Zambia (UCZ) has a wide membership divided in 10 presbyteries. The Paris Evangelical Missionary (PEMS) known as the Church of Barotseland started working amongst the Lozi people as early as 1885. This is what led to the formation of the Missionary Conference in North-Western Rhodesia in 1928 with the Methodist Missionary Society (MMS), and the Church of Central Africa in Rhodesia (CCAR) formed in 1945. The union of the Church of Scotland congregations in Northern and Luapula provinces and the congregations of the London Missionary Society (LMS), the United Church of Central Africa in Rhodesia (UCCAR), formed in 1958 gave birth to the United Church of Zambia. Joint Christian Council (UJCC) is an ecumenical organization that was established in 1963. Its current membership comprises the Church of Uganda, The Roman Catholic Church and the Uganda Orthodox Church, which together constitute about 78% of Uganda’s population. The member churches recognized a need for Christians to witness together and live in harmony. Since its inception in 1963, Uganda Joint Christian Council (UJCC) has remained focused and consistent with its ecumenical mission of providing services for improved quality life of Ugandans and across borders. UJCC has undergone various growth processes including those that relate to its Constitution, its Structures, Leadership and various phased Strategic Plans. Zimbabwe Council of Churches was formed in 1964 with the aims of bringing together churches and Christian organisations for joint action, witness and coordination, particulartly to adopt a united and common response to the political and socio-economic challenges. It is a fellowship of Christian Churches and organisations that confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour according to the Scriptures and, therefore, seek to fulfil together their common calling to the glory of the one God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. more than 70 years, Act for Peace has brought people together to create a more just and peaceful world. As the international humanitarian agency of the National Council of Churches in Australia, we believe in a world where everyone has a safe place to belongs, and that to get there, we must work together. To do this, we have sharpened our focus to backing displaced people. We are working to reduce forced displacement and to support communities affected by climate displacement across Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific. Locally-led partnerships are core to the way we work. Our three change strategies include: Working in solidarity with local partners, Building Unity and Transforming the System. To learn more about our current priorities, see our Strategic Plan 2022-26: Find out more about us at: Amity Foundation, an independent Chinese voluntary organization, was created in 1985 on the initiative of Chinese Christians to promote education, social services, health, and rural development from China's coastal provinces in the east to the minority areas of the west. Abiding by the principle of mutual respect in faith, Amity builds friendship with people at home and abroad. Through the promotion of holistic development and public welfare, Amity serves society, benefits the people, and strives to promote world peace. Overseas Aid (AOA) is an overseas relief and development agency associated with the Anglican Church of Australia. We long to see dignity, equality and inclusion for those experiencing poverty and marginalisation, with an emphasis on gender and climate justice. We choose not to ignore people in need, and work with the broader Anglican community to see the world as God designed it to be, renewed and restored. Anglicans in Development (AID) division manages the Anglican Board of Mission’s (ABM) Community Development Program and Humanitarian Emergencies Responses. ABM is the national mission agency of the Anglican Church of Australia working with overseas and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities. We have a holistic view of God’s mission and work to see lives empowered and transformed spiritually, materially and socially. ABM(AID) works with Anglican Church Partners in the Pacific, PNG, Africa, the Middle East and South-East Asia to help deliver grassroots, community-driven development and disaster preparedness and response. ABM has full accreditation with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), is a member of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID), and a signatory to the ACFID Code of Conduct.
https://www.abmission.orgThe origin of ALWS can be traced back to 1947 when the local pastor at Albury, New South Wales, Pastor Bruno Muetzelfeldt, commenced a ministry to European migrants and refugees who were being resettled through the Bonegilla Migrant Centre, a short distance from Albury. In 1971 the Bonegilla Migrant Centre was closed and the LWS office was relocated to Albury. The primary role of the LWS office was now overseas aid. Recognising that the LWS office was now Australian staffed and funded, it was agreed that it should become an agency of the LCA. The process of handover commenced in 1985 with the office taking the identity of Australian Lutheran World Service and was finalised in 1990 with the official closure of the LWS office and the placement of the first Australian-appointed executive secretary to ALWS. for Disaster Risk Management and Community Development Studies (CDRM&CDS) was established as one of the department of Nommensen University in August 2007 through a Program Cooperation Agreement signed by Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS), Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), Lutheran World Relief (LWR), Lutheran World Federation/Department for World Service (LWF/DWS), Lutheran World Federation/Departmen for Mission and Development (LWF/DMD), LWF National Committee of Indonesia and HKBP Nommensen University. The program of CDRM&CDS was developed in close consultation with 12 Lutheran World Federation member churches in Indonesia, located mainly in North Sumatra and West Sumatra provinces. This program aims to enhance local resources and strengthen self-reliance by access, where appropriate, to a shared pool of expertise, financial resources, information and networks on local as well as national and regional levels. Christian Agency for Rural Development (CARD India) is a social service wing of the Mar Thoma Syrian church of Malabar, India, established in 1977, under the Travancore – Cochin Literacy Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act XXII of 1955. This organisation works toward the empowerment of marginalised communities such as landless labourers, traditional artisans, women, children, tribals and dalits through the intervention of health, education and agricultural programmes, so that they may improve their living condition and lead a life with dignity. is currently implementing eight programmes, which will be consolidated into one programme. This consolidated programme to be called Comprehensive Poverty Reduction Program, will function from July 2007. The eight programmes currently being implementing are: Peoples Participatory Rural Development Programme, which works for socio-economic development through Forums and that operate a people-managed saving and credit programme. Traditional Birth Attendants Training Programme to promote safe motherhood and reduce infant mortality. Ethnic Minority Community Development Programme that works in the hill district of south-eastern part and northern districts of Bangladesh. Women’s Small Local Organisation Programme, which aims to empower women-led voluntary organisations Disaster Preparedness Programme Human & Organisational Potential Enhancement Programme: capacity building through training activities, workshops on developmental issues and exposure visits. World Service is the development, justice and aid agency founded in New Zealand by the National Council of Churches. It is founded on the belief that the provision and enjoyment of the basic necessities for living a decent, just and humane Life is the will of God for all humankind. is the humanitarian and development arm of 24 Protestant and Orthodox Churches in India and is also a related agency of the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI). It has its headquarters at New Delhi with zonal offices at Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. Its primary objective is to alleviate poverty and promote the efforts of marginalised groups of Indian society lives of social justice and self-sufficiency. The main programmes of CASA fall into three categories: direct programmatic work, partnership programmes with related organisations and emergency and humanitarian assistance. The role of CASA has more recently shifted to that of facilitator of networking, lobbying, advocacy and collective action activities. Social mobilisation is the crux of its developmental action. The present approach is people centered, process oriented and rights based. of Christ Overseas Aid (COCOA) is the aid and development arm of Global Mission Partners. World Service Asia is a regional organization implementing humanitarian and development initiatives throughout Asia. We aim to address factors that divide people by promoting inclusiveness, shared values, diversity, and interdependence. Marginalized communities are assisted irrespective of race, faith, color, age, sex, economic status, or political opinion. Respecting the right to choose how to live, we work with marginalized communities in order for them to overcome inequality and lead peaceful, dignified and resilient lives. Community World Service Asia has been present in the region since 1954 and is a registered organization with Governments and Networks. Our focus areas include: disaster management; education; health; livelihoods; peace and democracy; WASH; quality and accountability. We engage in the self-implementation of projects, cooperation through partners, and provision of capacity building trainings and resources at national, regional and global levels. is an association forum of Christian organisations and individuals that work in health services and education in Indonesia. Pelkesi was established on 17 September 1983 in Balige, North Sumatra. Pelkesi helps Indonesian churches develop holistic health services and cultivates partnerships among Christian service organisations in the health sector. Vision: The realisation of health services in Indonesia for all people Mission: To provide holistic health care services With Dignity, also known as LWD, or Angkar ‘L’ as named by rural communities, is a local NGO serving vulnerable communities in Cambodia through development work prioritizing human dignity. LWD understands that poor communities face major challenges in their lives and are owners to their solution. World Service India Trust (LWSIT) is an Indian NGO engaged in empowering the underprivileged sections of the rural and urban communities. It has deep rooted presence in eastern India, headquartered in Kolkata, West Bengal since 1974. LWSIT is committed to build 'Communities of Hope' through three distinct approaches: rights based approach, empowerment approach and integrated approach. The overall development goal of LWSIT is to empower men, women and children of the disadvantaged communities to enhance their quality of life through rights based approach towards sustainable livelihood, food and human security. Christian Council in Japan (NCCJ) is made up of 31 member and associate member churches and organizations. Christians make up a little less than 1% of the population of Japan, but have influenced this country in many ways through education, welfare, human rights, women's concerns, and peace advocacy. NCCJ networks with other Christian councils, particularly in other Asian countries, and is a member of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) as well as a related organization of the World Council of Churches. Working ecumenically and with people of other faiths in Japan and abroad, NCCJ is striving to bring justice and peace to our world today. National Christian Council of Sri Lanka was founded in 1945 (forerunners: the Christian Council of India, Burma & Ceylon formed in 1923, the Christian Council in Ceylon, 1922, the Ceylon Representative Council of Missions, 1920, and the All Ceylon Conference of 1912). Basis: To affirm and confess our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour, and to seek together to fulfill the common calling, to the glory of the Triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. National Council of Churches in the Philippines, is the largest aggroupation of non-Roman Catholic churches in the Philippines. NCCP is the embodiment of more than six decades of the aspirations of non-Roman Catholic churches for unity and common Christian witness. NCCP is providing emergency assistance to disaster-stricken families and communities, assistance to small community-based projects, and in providing solidarity support (financial, material, technical assistance) to workers on strike, displaced urban and rural poor, families of victims of human rights violations, etc.. Small community-based projects are closely monitored and regularly evaluated. Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK) is a reformed church denomination and was the fruit of the movement to reform the Presbyterian Church to create a true church of Jesus Christ, setting aside the secular elements, authoritarianism, and rigid dogmatism so deeply rooted in the Korean Presbyterian Church. Since 1953, the PROK has continued to develop a prophetic stance in its understanding of the church and its mission in society. The PROK is comprised of 1,601 local churches scattered around the country, with 320,000 members and 2,672 ministers. The central legislative body is the General Assembly that meets annually and in between meetings the Executive Committee acts on its behalf. The church’s program ministries are guided by 18 Standing Committees and are implemented by the office of the General Secretary and the national secretariat. Roman Catholic missionaries came to Taiwan somewhat earlier, Protestant mission work that continues to this day began the year 1865 in Tainan with the arrival of Dr. James L. Maxwell sent by the Presbyterian Church of England (now the United Reformed Church [URC]). Dr. Maxwell and colleagues were soon followed by Rev. Dr. George L. Mackay from the Canadian Presbyterian Mission (the Presbyterian Church in Canada [PCC]) who began mission work in Tamsui in1872. Bangladesh, set up in February 1972 by the Lutheran World Federation/Department for World Service, aids war-affected communities in northwest Bangladesh. Localized in 1997, it became a national NGO registered with the NGO Affairs Bureau and the Microcredit Regulatory Authority, governed by a Board of Trustees. RDRS envisions a just society where citizens live with dignity, free from poverty and ignorance. Its mission is to empower disadvantaged communities, enhance their resilience, and ensure sustainable improvements in their lives. As per current strategy 2023-2027, RDRS operates activities under five main thematic areas: Skills, Employment, and Entrepreneurship; Social Empowerment; Agriculture, Food Security & Climate Change; Emergency & Humanitarian Response and Microfinance. It emphasizes gender equality, youth development, social cohesion, and capacity building. Supporting 406 grassroots CBOs, and child-related issues. With over 4,000 staff, RDRS covers 1.69 million program Synodical Board of Social Services is the development board of the Church of North India, working with the Dalit (Scheduled Caste) and Tribal (Schedules Tribe) communities to facilitate socio-economic transformation. CNI SBSS works through Diocesan Board of Social Services (DBSSs) in six states, covering a population of half a million. CNI SBSS is working with the most vulnerable section of the society- the Dalits, Adivasis, Women and Children. A multidimensional approach towards poverty reduction will set free these communities from age old clutches of poverty and will ensure that these communities receive an equitable share of the country’s growth. The program focuses on- Facilitating quality education; Access to safe drinking water & sanitation; Mother & child health care and; Income generation & Asset Creation. models of church mission engagement. United Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India is a communion of twelve member churches spread in many parts of the country (11 in India and 1 in Nepal) with an approximate membership of 4 million. The Lutheran communion in India is predominantly dalit and Adivasi (tribal). Each member church has its own unique cultural and historical context with different mission background. The communion was founded in 1926 as Federation of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India and went through a metamorphosis and now known as the United Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India. Division of Social Action (DSA) was introduced as one of the important and significant department of UELCI in the year 1979. It came into existence in a creative situation with the vision of a just, participatory and sustainable society. The mandate of DSA is to sensitise church leadership, facilitate capacity building in churches, support development programmes of social concern, provide education, screen project proposa is the international aid and partnerships agency of the Uniting Church in Australia. We work in partnership with communities in the Pacific, Asia and Africa for a world where lives are made whole and hopeful, free from poverty and injustice. Our work focuses on five program areas: poverty reduction, gender equality, leadership, climate justice and disaster response. Our partners are the local church, helping communities unlock their God-given potential to set themselves free from poverty and injustice. Our partners lead the way because they know their own culture and context and are best placed to identify sustainable solutions. We contribute our capacity as an Australian Government-accredited development agency to help fulfill their vision. As we walk with our partners on this transformational journey, we help to build leadership and organisational capacity. is one of YAKKUM's unit which was established in 2001 with a focus on emergency response and disaster risk reduction initiatives. By 2013, YEU has provided humanitarian assistance to more than 200 villages in Indonesia, East Timor, Myanmar and the Philippines, as well as encouraging partnerships with 350 community organizations throughout Indonesia.
http://www.yeu.or.idThe Bolivian Network, Joining Hands for Life, is an ecumencial network whose important characteristic is its sprituality based on the ecumenical and pluricultural character. This is the essence and the framework in which all of the actions of the network are developed. It also works in partnership with the Presbyterian Hunger Program in the USA. Vision A society with social justice in which women and men fully exercise their rights and duties with sustainable development in the framework of intercultural, holistic, equitable and international solidarity relations. Mission We are an ecumenical solidarity network of Bolivian civil society organizations who question and generate proposals which affect the structural causes of poverty, exclusion and environmental injustice.ón Cristiana de Educación y Desarrollo (ALFALIT) Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (Cedepca) is an educational institution that works to transform the lives and situations of women and men of diverse Christian traditions, communities, and contexts through formation, accompaniment, and spaces for reflection. Cedepca’s Disaster Ministry is a training program that works to prevent, reduce and attend to the damage caused by disasters. We work in high-risk communities with a holistic view of people’s needs: physical, psychological and spiritual. Cedepca’s specialty is in psychosocial care in disasters and in training communities in risk management for disasters. Ecumenical Fund for Aid to Small Projects (Fondo Ecuménico de Apoyo a Pequeños Proyectos -FPP) was started in July 2001 in the aim to "strengthen initiatives of solidarity coming from local churches and community groups". Since its start, it has supported small projects from community based organisations or groups, which enabled them to strengthen the quality of their work to the benefit of the communities. In parallel, the initiative from CREAS allows to promote a better coordination, the exchange of experience and the strengthening of capacities among community based organizations, contributing to the economic life. The administration, monitoring and evaluation is made jointly with an evaluation committee, which is composed by the FPP team and specialists from various churches and recognized NGOs, who have experience in the social work and administration of funds. aims to strengthen capacities of civil society in organisation, participation and advocacy, to contribute to building a process for sustainable local development. This strategy focuses on the creation and strengthening of structures of representation and negotiation in civil society, interacting with local governments in the framework of local-regional development processes and public policies of decentralisation, citizen participation, environment, gender, electoral law, children’s and adolescent’s rights, amongst others. CASM promotes and strengthens, on the level of technical teams and other social actors, a system of ethical-christian values, that orientate process of human development upheld with a gender focus. CASM systematically develops competencies and skills in management and technical teams, as well as processes and methods needed to reach the goals set out in the strategic plans and projects. is an ecumenical organisation comprising churches that are joined in a commitment to affirm life, based on the ideal of justice, peace and the integrity of creation. CESE’s mission is to strengthen organisations of civil society, especially people’s organisations, that are working for political, economic and social transformation leading to structures in which democracy with justice prevails. CESE acts as an intermediary for funding, and promotes dialogue, networking and capacity building. CESE’s main activity is the Small Projects Programme in which hundreds of small one-off grants are made each year to projects in a wide range of sectors and in all regions of the country. CESE also provides some larger-scale support for the work of organisations or networks and participates in capacity development initiatives. In dialogue and networking CESE engages with agencies of international cooperation, churches, NGOs and people’s organisations. de Iglesias Evangélicas Pro-Alianza Denominacional, CEPAD, is a Christian non-profit, non-partisan association of social concern. It is comprised of denominations, Christian institutions and departmental pastoral committees that confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and desire to live out the gospel through service to others. This takes place within a spirit of respect and non-discrimination on the basis of gender, race, nationality, political ideology or religion. CEPAD's Vision To be one of the best Christian institutions working with poor communities in situations of risk, promoting service, justice, peace and solidarity with equality, for the purpose of improving the quality of life. CEPAD's Mission We are a Christian organization, which follows the call of God to accompany and serve the poorest communities through processes of local development. Cuban Council of Churches has been founded on 28th May 1941 and is an entity of Christian inspiration, non governmental, non-profit, legally established. It is a fellowship of Christian churches and ecumenical institutions confessing Jesus Christ the Saviour with a common mission to the glory of God the Father and Holy Spirit. Its objectives are to promote the fellowhip and unity of the churches through participative programs, dialogue, theological formation and service to the community.
Diaconia was created on July 28, 1967 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. It is a social service organization, non-profit and Christian inspiration. Fruit of the convening of the Evangelical Confederation of Brazil, is composed of 11 churches. In the early 1980s, it moved its headquarters to Recife (PE), operating in three states in the Northeast, a region that has the largest number of poor in the country. the latest years the Peruvian economic has shown continuous growth. This growth is mainly due to the increase in mineral exports and their high prices worldwide, as well as non-traditional exports of agricultural products (asparagus, artichokes, paprika, fruit, coffee, and cacao) and textiles, nevertheless 40% of population live in poverty and 13% in extreme poverty and also 70% population in extreme poverty live in Andean areas. The beginning of diaconal work and development in the Lutheran Church, with the support of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), dates back to the Huaraz earthquake in 1970, to the commitment and solidarity of the Church’s members with the victims. As the diaconal activities grew, the Church decided to separate them and it set up an independent institution.
http://www.diaconiaperu.orgEPES works with the poorest groups in Concepción, Chile, to promote health and dignity using community participation. Lutheran Diakonia Foundation (FLD) was established on 17 July 2000 by decision of the Council of the Evangelical Church of Lutheran Confession in Brazil (IECLB). His work is with socially vulnerable groups and poor communities, without ethnic discrimination, gender, political or religious beliefs. Evangelical Methodist Church in Bolivia (IEMB), with 108 years of service, is a non-profit institution that carries out social work under the responsibility of the Rural Development Department (DDR). It assists in the management and carrying out of programs and projects with a social-economic-environmental focus in favor of families with limited economic incomes. The priority of this work is in frontier, geographical areas that are distant from the urban centers of our land. They promote self-management, gender equality, sustainable, organic production for food security, mutual cooperation between residents and cultural values. Our work is based on four strategic lines, expressed in priority order: Humanitarian aid Integral, sustainable development for vulnerable populations Local leadership Research for integral, sustainable development for vulnerable populations Our service is governed by the policies and norms approved by the IEMB General Assembly. In being an ecumenical insti Metodista del Perú (IMP) - ( Methodist Church of Peru) is called to testify the grace of God in the world and to be an instrument for his glory and, just as Jesus did, an example of commitment and solidarity with the world. IMP's strategic priority is “ a church that serves and gives prophetic witness for justice and social change of the society (Diakonia).” IMP's values are justice and inclusion: to be in solidarity with the people by sharing love, peace, faith and hope and by reforming the structures that contribute to create unjust relationships among human beings, as well as the address of the systemic caused of economic poverty and the deterioration and overexploitation of the environment; and for every Peruvian to have access to the basic needs that allow their growth and development within the framework of democracy, eliminating any form of discrimination. 1937 the synod of the Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia (IPC / Presbyterian Church of Colombia) was reorganized, with three presbyteries, in the north, the centre and the south. This was the beginning of the process by which the church became autonomous and independent of any foreign entity. In accordance with the law on religious liberty the IPC is officially recognized by the state of Colombia. The IPC directs all its projects and activities at the level of the presbyteries and the synod. It includes education, diakonia, and stewardship. is an ecumenical service organization, constituted by people of different religious traditions, brought together in a non-profit, non-governmental organization. Its mission is to mobilize ecumenical solidarity and to provide services to groups that are historically and culturally vulnerable and to those in the process of social and political emancipation. To this end, it develops study, information and educational programs acting through networks and searches for democratic spaces that guarantee justice and human rights – economic, social, cultural and environmental – and the promotion of ecumenism, the ecumenical movement and its liberation values at national and international levels. Salvadorean Lutheran Church has two programmes A Human Rights Programme, (including migrants rights) which resulted in ongoing work with 200 communities in the area of human rights, the training of 300 promoters and 650 students undergoing a 40 hour course. A Health Programme with a special focus on HIV/AIDS. SLS runs a number of clinics and health committees which cover physical and mental health, vision problems and natural health provision. They are also engaged in HIV/AIDS prevention. Risk management and humanitarian assistance was created in December 1954 by the Protestant Churches of Haiti to bring relief to the victims of hurricane Hazel which devastated the southeastern coast of the country. Soon after the Board realized that humanitarian actions are not sustainable and decided to invest at the same time in agriculture and agricultural training, food security, environment protection, wash and rural credit, targeting small farmers and vulnerable families in the country side. SCH worked almost uniquely in rural areas up to 2007 when it started a urban program that helped persons with disabilities to integrate church, in cooperation with the Cuban Council of Churches.
The Servicio Evangelico de Diaconia - SEDI - is a faith-based organisation made up of two churches in the Rio de la Plata region: the United Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Evangelical Church of Rio de la Plata. Both have joined together for more than thirty years to strengthen diakonia as an indispensable witness of our Christian faith. Committed to human rights and gender justice, SEDI promotes associative enterprises of people and groups whose rights are violated; promotes social, solidarity and circular economy; promotes ecumenical networking to ensure food sovereignty for associations of family farmers. Strengthening the capacities to fight for justice of youth, women and indigenous peoples, we accompany the churches with human and financial resources. is a non-for-profit organization that has been working to transform the rural communities of the Dominican Republic for more than 45 years. It works in more than 100 communities throughout the country, focusing on community development, community organizing, education, and social justice. It strives to provide community leaders with skills and resources needed to strengthen the communities in which they live. The work of SSID includes: community development, food security, micro-finance, community health, aquaculture, preschool and adult education, access to water, and emergency response and preparedness. SSID is a member of the Dominican-Haitian Dialog, a reconciliation process between the two countries being facilitated by evangelical churches and civil society in both countries. Orthodox Church / Bishopric of Public, Ecumenical & Social Services (COC/BLESS) BLESS Development Department mission is: to help poor and marginalised people discover and develop their potential and improve the conditions of their communities: socially, culturally and economically. BLESS focuses on the human being irrespective of race, age, sex or religion. BLESS engages in community-based development with poor and marginalised communities. BLESS focuses on sustainability with target communities to enable them to be self-sufficient. BLESS works on average with 30 different communities at the same time. BLESS Development Department runs seven programmes: Community Organisation Progamme Health & Environment Programme Economic Programme Rural Development Programme Child Programme Education Programme Youth Programme
DSPR is an ecumenical and Church-related organization which is an integral part of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC); it was founded following the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the creation of the Palestine refugee problem. DSPR continues to operate in the Palestinian Territories (West Bank and Gaza Strip), Jordan, Lebanon and Galilee. DSPR has always committed itself to work with Palestinian refugee communities and the neediest among them to promote acceptable decent living conditions, based on Christian witness through direct support, awareness-raising, capacity building, and advocacy in order to guarantee that their basic human rights are being realized and that they live in reconciliation with the larger communities in which they live. DSPR believes in partnering with all irrespective of race, gender, color, or religion; ensuring transparency credibility and accountability. Department of Ecumenical Relations and Development (DERD), is the charitable arm of and is affiliated to the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East (GOPA) established in 1994 is currently the largest faith-based and one of the few low-risk organization in Syria based on INGO partner assessments. With 45 offices and 43 service centers, GOPA-DERD's total of 2000 main full time/part time staff and out-reach mobile teams implement a wide range of programs in 13 out of 14 governorates in Syria, that address all the needs of those affected, IDPs and refugee returnees. After reaching global media visibility and recognition, GOPA-DERD and through its bilateral agreements with 16 UN and international partners has launched its comprehensive set of programs that have today reached 2.6 million direct beneficiaries and 4 million indirect beneficiaries each year. These programs fall under the sectors of: Livelihood (Long-term: VT, Grants & Short-term: Cash Middle East Council of Churches,brings together the vast majority of the Christians and the churches in the East . It is the right place and provides the space to bring them closer to each other and to unite and strengthen their voices and presence in the region. the Middle East Council of Churches is the tangible expression of the Christian presence in the region and works to unify the visions and attitudes among the churches, especially in issues related to the Christian Presence and Witness in the Middle East and prominent among these issues is the question of Muslim-Christian dialogue. ELCJHL traces its origin to the middle of the 19th century when German and English Evangelical Christians came to Palestine to support the Christian minority in the area through diaconal and mission work. Their activities were many and were channeled through a variety of organizations and institutions. The Anglicans and Lutherans worked together as one body until 1886 when the Prussian Lutherans went their own way, partly due to political and theological differences in Europe between Prussia and England. The German Lutherans focused their efforts on social work and education at a time when the British Anglicans were emphasizing conversion. Today the ELCJHL continues this call to witness through education and health care for Palestinians regardless of faith and provides for the spiritual needs of the Arab Lutheran community. World Aid (BWAid) is an official member of the ACT Alliance. It is the relief and development arm of the Baptist World Alliance. BWAid was formed to provide aid following World War I. Over the years it has provided relief and development aid, training and networking. From its beginning, BWAid relief has been for all who are in need, regardless of race or religion. BWAid gives support and training in sustainable community development to member bodies of the BWA and acts as a broker between those who develop projects and those who offer funding. In addition, it continues to coordinate disaster emergency response around the globe, ensuring a speedy and appropriate response. Inspired by God's love for humanity, CLWR challenges the causes and responds to the consequences of human suffering and poverty. As a specialized agency of the Lutheran community in Canada, CLWR offers Canadians opportunities to understand and serve the needs of others. Vision CLWR strives for a world where people live in peace with hope, justice, dignity and equality, empowered to achieve their universal rights to quality of life and to have their basic needs met. the relief, refugee, and development mission fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Week of Compassion works with partners to alleviate suffering throughout the world. Our vision is for a world where God's people transform suffering into hope. World Service is a faith-based organization transforming communities around the globe through just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, displacement and disaster.
http://www.cwsglobal.orgThe Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is a community of faith made up of nearly 5 million members who share a passion for making positive changes in the world. Through mission personnel, companion churches and partner agencies the ELCA works every day to proclaim the love of God and make the world a better place to live. Disaster Assistance (PDA) is the emergency and refugee program of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. The core budget, including staff and administrative costs, is funded through the One Great Hour of Sharing, and its program work is additionally funded through designated gifts. Focuses on the long term recovery of disaster impacted communities. Provides training and disaster preparedness for presbyteries and synods. World Service & Development (PWS&D), the development and relief agency of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, supports local, community-based development projects and responds with emergency relief in response to disaster and conflict. PWS&D also supports refugee sponsorship through local Presbyterian congregations. PWS&D undertakes development, emergency and refugee activities that restore human dignity, ease the pain of want, promote self-help and encourage community cooperation that benefits all. All of this is done with sensitivity to gender issues, empowerment of the marginalized and the protection of human rights. PWS&D promotes awareness of global issues, connecting Canadians to the needs of others throughout the world. Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) is the Canadian Anglican agency for development, relief, refugees and social justice. PWRDF works in partnership with organizations in Canada and throughout the world to support people-centered development. PWRDF partners come from Anglican churches, ecumenical organizations and community-based groups. Emergency Response through ACT Alliance supports emergency funding and long-term rehabilitation following natural disasters and war. Refugee Protection is provided for refugees and displaced populations through humanitarian relief aid in many parts of the world. PWRDF works on policy and advocacy through the Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR) and KAIROS (Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives).
http://www.pwrdf.orgThe United Church of Canada is the largest Protestant denomination in Canada. We minister to close to 3 million people in over 3500 congregations across the country. Throughout our history, the United Church has been in the forefront on matters of faith and justice. The United Church of Canada has partnerships with national churches, ecumenical organizations, Christian Councils and church agencies around the world to work for justice, peace, and human dignity. Some of these partnerships have evolved from overseas mission work which started in the late 19th century and some from recent contact and collaboration. The Justice, Global and Ecumenical Relations Unit facilitates the relationships that enable The United Church of Canada and global partners to work together. We are one partner among many, called to receive and to give. United Church of Christ (UCC) is a distinct and diverse community of Christians that come together as one church to join faith and action. With over 5,000 churches and nearly one million members across the U.S., the UCC serves God in the co-creation of a just and sustainable world. The United Church of Christ (UCC) is a distinct and diverse community of Christians that come together as one church to join faith and action. With over 5,000 churches and nearly one million members across the U.S., the UCC serves God in the co-creation of a just and sustainable world.
http://www.ucc.orgThe World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) promotes communication as a basic human right, essential to people’s dignity and community. Rooted in Christian faith, WACC works with all denied the right to communicate because of status, identity, or gender. WACC has corporate and personal members in 120 countries, organised in eight Regional Associations: Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, North America and Pacific. With our members and partners at local, national, and regional levels, we address communication needs, strengthen capacities, advocate for full access to information and communication and open and diverse media, and tackle ongoing challenges such as gender-sensitive reporting, peace-building, and participatory communication for disaster response, development and advocacy. WACC is headquartered in Toronto, Canada, with a registered office in London, UK
http://www.waccglobal.orgWorld Renew is the relief and development arm of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. World Renew reaches out in God's name to people, both in North America and around the world, who are struggling with poverty, hunger, disaster, and injustice to help them find lasting ways to improve their lives. One aspect of this ministry is community development. In this ministry, World Renew's staff members engage in community transformation in 30 countries around the world. They partner with more than 130 churches and community organizations to train local people to be leaders in their own communities. Together, World Renew and these partners help people work together to overcome illiteracy, hunger, malnutrition, unemployment, HIV/AIDS, child mortality, injustice, and other issues affecting them. Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
ECLOF International (ECLOF)Baptist World Aid (BWA)
Mission 21 The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) United Evangelical Mission (UEM) World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) World Young Women's Christian Association (World YWCA)World Association for Christian Communication (WACC)
Christian Aid, Norwegian Church Aid, DanChurch Aid, Finn Church Aid,
Lutheran World Federation, KiA,
Act Church of Sweden, Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe,
Swiss Church Aid (HEKS), Salvation Army,
Hungarian Interchurch Aid, and Diaconia ECCB.
Dan Church Aid (DCA)
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)National Council of Churches of Burundi (CNEB)
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)
Christian Aid (CA)
DanChurchAid (DCA)
Diakonia Sweden (DIAKONIA) Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH) Eglise du Christ au Congo Bureau National (ECC) Evangelical Lutheran Church in Congo (EELCo) Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) Swiss Church Aid (HEKS) The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) The Salvation Army (SA)Act Church of Sweden (CoS)
Church World Service (CWS)
Finn Church Aid (FCA)
ICCO Cooperation (ICCO)
Liberia Council of Churches (LCC)Lutheran Development Service, Liberia (LDS-Liberia)
NSCCNational Director of SAF/FJKM
Forum Convener
2. Stephane Andriamandrainirina National Coordinator SMT/FLM Vice Convener steandriam@yahoo.frNorwegian Church Aid (NCA)
World Renew Salvation Army Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM) Moravian Church Humanitarian Development Service (MoHDevS)Christian Council of Nigeria (CCN)
Council of Churches in S.L. CCSL
ELCSL The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) MCLF UMCThe Lutheran World Federation (LWF)
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
The United Church of Zambia (UCZ)
The Salvation Army (Salvation Army) Diakonia Sweden (Diakonia) Young Women Christian AssociationChurch World Service (CWS)
National Christian Council of Japan (NCCJ)
National Christian Council of Sri Lanka (NCCSL)
Centro Regional Ecuménico de Asesoría y Servicio (CREAS)
Church World Service (CWS) Evangelical Center for Diaconia/Servicio Evangélico de Diaconia (SEDI)Fundacion Hora de Obrar (FHdO)
Asociación Boliviana Uniendo Manos por la Vida (RED UMAVIDA)
Iglesia Evangélica Metodista en Bolivia (IEMB) Christian Aid (CA)Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR)
Diakonia Sweden (DIAKONIA) ICCO Cooperation (ICCO)Centro Regional Ecuménico de Asesoría y Servicio (CREAS)
Bread for the World (BfdW)
Centro Regional Ecuménico de Asesoría y Servicio (CREAS)
Christian Aid (CA)
Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço (CESE)
DIACONIA Evangelical Center for Diaconia/Servicio Evangélico de Diaconia (SEDI) Fundação Luterana de Diaconia (FLD) ICCO Cooperation (ICCO) KOINONIA Presença Ecumênica e Serviço (KOINONIA) Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)Edwin Gonzales, (JOTAY) Co-coordinator
Mercedes Palacios (LWF) Co-coordinator
Educación Popular en Salud (EPES)
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chile/Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en Chile (IELCH)Christian Aid (CA)
Church World Service (CWS) Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) Servicio Social de Iglesias Dominicanas (SSID)Salvadorian Lutheran Synod (SLS)
Christian Aid (CA) Christian Association for Education and Development/Asociación Cristiana de Educación y Desarrollo (ALFALIT) Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) ICCO Cooperation (ICCO) The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)Centro Evangélico de Estudios pastorales en Centro América (CEDEPCA)
Christian Aid (CA) Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)Diakonia Sweden (DIAKONIA)
Act Church of Sweden (Act CoS) ICCO Cooperation (ICCO) Bread for the World (BfdW) Church World Service (CWS)Service Chrétien d’Haïti (SCH)
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)Bread for the World (BftW)
Comisión de Acción Social Menonita (CASM)
Christian Aid (CA) Christian Organization for the Integral Development of Honduras/Organismo Cristiano de Desarrollo Integral de Honduras (OCDIH) Diakonia Sweden DanChurchAid (DCA) The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)Consejo de Iglesias Evangélicas Pro-Alianza Denominaciones (CEPAD)
Christian Aid (CA)Centro Intereclesial de Estudios Teológicas y Sociales (CIEETS)
Church World Service (CWS) DanChurchAid (DCA) ICCO Cooperation (ICCO) Iglesia Luterana de Nicaragua Fé y Esperanza (ILFE) Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees of the MECC (DSPR-MECC)
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jerusalem and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) The LutheranWorld Federation (LWF) Finn Church Aid (FCA)Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees of the MECC (DSPR-MECC)
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) Diakonia Sweden (Diakonia) Act Church of Sweden (Act CoS) Christian Aid (CA)Jessica Lindberg (Act CoS) Convenor
Samer Laham (MECC) Coordinator (Updated 9 July 2024)Hakam Awad (HEKS) Convenor
George Stephane (DSPR) Coordinator (Updated 9 July 2024)Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees of the MECC (DSPR-MECC)
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Swiss Church Aid (HEKS) Finn Church Aid (FCA) DanChurchAid (DCA) Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) FELM Diakonia Katastrophenhilfe (DKH) Act Church of Sweden (Act CoS) Christian Aid (CA) Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East- Department of Ecumenical Relations and Development (GOPA-DERD)Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D),
The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF),
The United Church of Canada (UCCan),
World Association for Christian Communication (WACC)
World Renew