
ACT Alliance demonstrates its value as the leading faith-based alliance in humanitarian response by working with faith and humanitarian actors at the global, regional, national, and community levels. ACT harnesses the combined strength of its members in delivering humanitarian response at scale and with considerable reach through joint programming approaches.

We commit to an effective ecumenical response that saves lives and maintains dignity, irrespective of race, gender, belief, nationality, ethnicity, or political persuasion. Humanitarian needs define our priorities and the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence guide our actions. We remain committed to strengthening the resilience of affected communities and to being accountable to people and communities affected by a crisis. The ACT Alliance Secretariat is certified against the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability and is committed to the Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response.

Our goals

  • Ensure ACT Alliance’s humanitarian responses are managed efficiently, delivered in a timely manner and evidenced appropriately.
  • Work with ACT forums and members to strengthen the resilience of disaster affected communities.
  • Support ACT forums and members to collaboratively ensure accountability to disaster affected populations in line with the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) commitments.
  • Support member-led and evidence-based humanitarian advocacy initiatives that amplify the voices of disaster affected
act alliance logo

Key achievements


Emergency Steering Committee successfully established, activated more than 30 times since inception with over US$67 million mobilised since 2022 for ACT’s Humanitarian Appeals.


ACT Emergency Appeal coverage (the total amount of funds generated versus budget) has 02 risen from 28% to 46% from 2018 to 2023.


Systematic approach to appeal management – inception meetings, coordination roundtable
discussions, enhanced monitoring, results frameworks and closing meetings all introduced 03 with a focus on Quality & Accountability.


Extensive consultation with members and forums on locally led response within ACT Alliance 04 has led to a Pledge of Commitments which is being launched at the General Assembly 2024.

We are active in more than 120 countries worldwide

Through its national, regional and sub-regional forums ACT Alliance provides humanitarian and emergency preparedness support to local communities helping them during a crisis and to become more resilient.


Policies and Manuals

ACT humanitarian mechanism

The Rapid Response Fund is an innovative funding mechanism designed to put local communities at the centre of decision-making and is recognised as one of few such funding mechanisms across the sector.

The RRF provides valuable opportunities to demonstrate the niche of faith actors in humanitarian response as we work closely with local ACT members and their community networks. On average, the RRF funds 20 emergencies annually and responses are implemented within six months.

The primary mechanism for large scale or global emergencies, including protracted crises: ACT Alliance raises an appeal to its membership with both requesting and funding members co-owning the process. Appeals are open for funding during their entire project period and accessible to both national and international ACT Alliance members.

Consortia represent a new funding mechanism for ACT Alliance. As part of Emergency Preparedness planning, consortiums are established before a disaster strikes and consortium members share a vision and strategic focus. Members self-organise and develop their own financial management models and programme strategies supported by the EPRP process and tools.

Emergency preparedness and response planning is integral to the strengthening of ACT Alliance’s capacity to respond effectively in emergencies through joint programming.

ACT national and regional forums develop emergency preparedness and response plans (EPRPs), working collaboratively to understand potential disaster risks and plan how to respond to emergencies quickly and effectively. Forum EPRPs are accessible by members through an online platform, which can be viewed by other members who may be interested to support them. ACT Forums use specific ACT guidelines and tools to support the process of developing an EPRP which is reviewed regularly.

EPRP platform

As part of the holistic and integrated approach to humanitarian response, development and advocacy, ACT’s emergency preparedness and humanitarian response is supported by stronger humanitarian coordination and advocacy with stakeholders and duty bearers.

In the current strategic period our advocacy focuses on three banner commitments to the Grand Bargain at the World Humanitarian Summit where ACT has made significant investments and where member engagement is quite strong: the localisation agenda and the primary role of national/local members and local faith actors; demonstrating the important role of faith actors in humanitarian response; and strengthening of cash-based programming across the humanitarian sector.

Date | Time

On August 10th Afternoon, Typhoon Lekima land on Zhejiang province---the east part of China. It affected badly in the provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, Anhui, and Fujian. Peak wind gust was 240km/h with as much as 211 mm rainfall, making it the strongest 2019 typhoon to hit the country so far. As of 12 August, Lekima has left 48 dead and 21 missing, affecting nearly 14.02 million people and forcing the relocation of 1.7 million people. Heavy rains and strong gales as well as floods and landslides have caused the collapse of 13,000 houses, damages to 119,000 houses, while 996,000 hectares of corps were affected by the typhoon. ACT Alliance's Rapid Respond Fund will support Amity Foundation that will provide hygiene kits to affected households. RRFs-China Typhoon Lekima - 11 2019  

Over 16 million people were affected by the very severe Cyclone Fani as it made landfall in Puri District of Odisha State on 3 May.  Prior to landfall, nearly 1.2 million people have been evacuated from vulnerable and low-lying areas of at least 11  coastal  districts  in  over  4,000  shelters, including   880   specially   designed   cyclone centres. Fourteen (14)  districts   were affected :  Angul,  Balasore,  Bhadrak,  Cuttack, Dhenkanal,   Ganjam,   Jagatsinghpur,   Jajpur, Kendrapara, Keonjhar, Khordha, Mayurbhanj, Nayagarh and Puri. According to Government sources, as of 9th of May, 18,388  villages  were  affected with 64 casualities and 160 injured.  Damages include :  508,467 houses, 181,711.4 agricultural land and 88,04,318 livestock affected with casualty of 41,68,298 (of which 41,62,923 are poultry). Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA) will implement the response with the support from their local partners. IND191 Cyclone Fani Appeal

The floods in Assam turned critical in the first week of July 2019. Incessant rains in the state led to overflow of major rivers and tributaries leading to inundation in the catchment areas of river Brahmaputra. The floods caused massive displacement of people and damaged the crops, livestock and properties. This also led to destruction of critical infrastructure and hampering essential services. The current flood scenario has affected 4.3 million populations in 4157 villages under 113 Revenue Circles. Out of the total 33 districts in Assam 30 districts have been badly affected. The total death has risen to 71 in the current flood. As per government data, Barpeta district has been the worst flood-hit area affecting 996,190 people. Church's Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA) will provide food packs and shelter items to 3000 vulnerable families in 14 villages of Barpeta District.  ACT Alliance's Rapid Response Fund has approved their budget of USD90,009. RRFs India Monsoon Floods RRF 10_2019  

About 5.3 million people affected with more than 200,000 people displaced and living in temporary shelters. The government has reported that 60 people have died. Livelihood is severely affected as 100,900 hectares of crop has been inundated by the floods. Flooding has cause river erosion, breached dams, unpassable roads and broken rail links. It has also forced to close schools. It has been 12 days that the affected areas have been submerged in water. Flood waters are flowing downstream and new areas in central part of country are being affected. Flood affected people have taken shelter on the embankments in the higher places including flood shelter centres with livestock and other belongings. Flood affected communities are finding it difficult to access food while living in temporary spaces. Their homes have been washed away or destroyed as most of the affected communities live in bamboo or mud houses with straw and corrugated iron sheet roofs. Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh (CCDB) will support 4000 vulnerable families affected by floods in the North and Southeast of Bangladesh through food packs that will be enough for five days with a budget of USD60,045 from ACT Alliance's Rapid Response Fund. RRFs_Bangladesh_Monsoon Floods_RRF09_2019  

Atmospheric anomalies and global climate change have led to catastrophic flooding in the Irkutsk region. Three air masses collided over the region at once: Arctic, subtropical and humid air from the Pacific Ocean. From June 25 to July 1 various areas of Irkutsk region of Russia and neighboring regions were hit by long heavy rains. The amount of precipitation in the Western, Southern and Central Irkutsk region in three days reached 1,5 to 4 monthly norms. The current flood broke the historical highs both in terms of the level of precipitation and the levels of the rivers that came out of the banks. Heavy rains led to the rise of rivers – tributaries of the Angara river by 10-14 meters, which is much higher than the critical mark. Official data, to date: more than 38,000 people affected (including 8,000 children), 25 persons killed, 7 persons are missing, 725 persons were hospitalized, 2,563 persons were evacuated; 110 settlements and cities were flooded, 49 sections of roads were covered by water, 22 bridges were damaged. About 10,800 houses were flooded or swept away. In seven districts of the Irkutsk region, a state of emergency was declared, with three of them almost completely flooded. RRFs_Russia_ Floods in Irkutsk region-No.RRF08_2019

On 14 March 2019, Tropical Cyclone Idai became one of the deadliest storms ever recorded to hit the Southern Hemisphere resulting in loss of lives, displacement, affected livelihoods of communities, destroyed critical facilities (schools, hospitals, churches) and ruined transport infrastructure. Catastrophic flooding, torrential rains, strong winds and landslides caused by Tropical Cyclone Idai affected at least 3 million people and caused more than 1,000 deaths across Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe. Two weeks after Cyclone Idai hit Mozambique, another Tropical Cyclone Kenneth hit the country. Post-disaster assessments have identified humanitarian gaps in the Food, WASH, Non-Food Items and Shelter sectors, leaving many exposed. Due to the rapidly changing humanitarian context, ACT requesting members in the three countries have published a revised appeal aimed at reducing vulnerability and alleviating the suffering of Cyclone Idai affected persons in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe. The total requesting amount is US$ 4,231,078 SAF 191 Consolidated ACT Appeal narrative (Revised) July 22 2019 Annex 4 - ACT CoS-SIDA Projects Annex 1 - Consolidated Logframe SAF191(revised)

By October 12, 2018 the exodus from Central America to the United States has grown in complexity and continues to pose grave risks for the people on move, coming mainly from the north triangle (Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador) to reach the Mexican-USA border, to seek asylum due to social and political violence, drought and lack of economic opportunities given the high inequity and poverty in their countries. People on the move are growing in number, and the threat for their lives and properties have become severe brought on by gangs and traffickers.  The situation at each border, Guatemala, Mexico or USA, is more challenging due to the tightening of border control measures (e.g. at the Honduras-Mexico border), leading to cases of mass refoulement (migrants returned in huge numbers). For those that entered the United States are usually caught by border patrols and children are from their parents and sent to detention camps without any specific plans for reunification. The purpose of this appeal is to initiate a humanitarian component to help meet the needs of people on the move, to promote legislation and policies that are in accordance with states’ human rights obligations, transparent, and to solicit the support from international community through the pertinent bodies of the United Nations. In addition, this measure seeks to guarantee the safety and physical integrity of migrants, especially minors, the elderly and women, and to prevent people from being deceived by international criminal organizations engaged in migrant smuggling, which endangers their lives, trying to have the families together and communicated. In this context, collecting information about rights violations, and providing evidence of CSO activities will be crucial for influencing a rights-based implementation of the Global Compacts for Migration and on Refugees in Central America and Mexico. ACT Alliance North America members, ELCA, CLWR and CWS, are collaborating with members of the Central America ACT Alliance Forum, CASM, CEDEPCA, SLS and LWF, for an 18-month humanitarian assistance initiative to assist Central American families and vulnerable individuals who are seeking asylum in the US. CAM191_Migrants_Appeal

On 3 June 2019 five districts in Serbia (Moravica, Rasina, Sumadija, Pomoravlje and Ras, namely central and western Serbia) were affected with flash flooding caused by massive rainstorms and heavy showers that exceeded 100l/m2. The Serbian Ministry for Internal Affairs declared a state of emergency in these five districts. In all listed districts both rural and urban households are affected. Affected areas are localised, but heavily damaged. As high temperatures have been forecasted for the following days, there is a high risk of spreading contamination and infections, both among humans and animals. Water supplies are compromised. Several thousand hectares of agricultural land are destroyed as well as roads and more than 20 bridges. RRF-07-Serbia

The Lake Chad Basin area, which includes parts of Nigeria, Niger, Chad, and Cameroon, is facing one of the most severe humanitarian crises of our times. The crisis is characterized by displacement of at least 2.5 million (IDPs, refugees and, returnees). The situation in the Lake Chad region is deteriorating, as States are unable to provide adequate services to the affected communities. This coupled with a decrease in humanitarian funding creates a gap in meeting humanitarian needs. Lutheran World Federation (LWF-Chad & Cameroon), Christian Aid-Nigeria and Norwegian Church Aid (NCA-Nigeria) have raised a regional appeal covering Chad, Cameroon and Nigeria to respond to this crisis and are planning to support improved living conditions of the affected populations (IDPs, refugees and host communities. LTCD 19 Humanitarian Emergency ( Appeal)

In the evening of Wednesday the 6 March 2019, the district of Same, Kilimanjaro Region in Tanzania was hit by unexpected heavy rains accompanied by storm and heavy winds. On the night of 8th March 2019, a heavy rainstorm accompanied by strong wind also hit the district of Morogoro (Morogoro region) in Tanzania where 226 households were affected. In both locations villages were badly affected, residential houses, business houses, food reserve items and livestock were adversely affected. The disaster also affected and destroyed classrooms, teachers’ houses/offices, directly affecting schools. According to the reports received from the assessment teams (government and Tanganyika Christian Refugee Service -TCRS), there are still gaps in the response that the ACT RRF can support. TCRS proposes to provide most affected households especially those who are still hosted by community members (neighbours, friends, and relatives) with food assistance. Tanzania_ Rainstorm Emergency (RRF)

The Government of Pakistan estimated that around 3 million people have been affected by drought in eight  districts of Sindh Province.  Majority of the affected communities are dependent on agriculture and livestock. Scarcity of water has severely affected their livelihood conditions. This has placed the local population under great strain, exhausting their coping capacities and resilience. The needs assessment, conducted in 69 out of 513 revenue villages,  by National Disaster Consortium (NDC) from Oct 2018 – Jan 2019, confirms that 71% of the surveyed households are moderately or severely food insecure, whereas 32% are severely food insecure. They also reported that 67% of the respondents spends 65% of total household expenditures on acquiring food, one of the main reason for contracting debt. The report confirms that food is top priority of the drought affected communities that has compelled them to adopt negative coping mechanisms.  Direct food assistance is proposed to increased food security. ACT members Community World Service Asia (CWSA) and Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) plan to support 78,000 most vulnerable persons addressing food security and livelihood for two years, and with a budget of USD1,826,156.   Appeals_Pakistan_Drought-PAK191

The Rapid Response Fund (RRF) is a global fund of the ACT Alliance administered by the ACT secretariat. Funds for the RRF are provided by ACT Alliance members and non-members on the basis of an annual appeal, and is intended to be accessed exclusively by ACT national members in pursuit of the localization agenda and in recognition of their distinct advantage of being at the forefront of emergency response in their own localities. ACT Alliance has the privileged position of being a network of local, national and international actors committed to partnerships amongst each other. This commitment enables international and global members of ACT to enhance the capacity of local and national actors, through resources, training and/or other support, allowing for first response in the beginning of a crisis or disaster to come directly from the community itself. The requested amount for GRRF19 Appeal is 2,689,435 USD. This year, in light of the priorities set by the new ACT Global Strategy 2019-2026, including inter alia the continuing strengthening of the ACT Humanitarian Mechanism, the full rollout of the digitalized Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning (EPRP) process, and improving adherence to the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) and Sphere. In addition to funding RRF projects of national members, the Secretariat proposes to utilize 7.5% of RRF funds resource parallel mechanisms that will strengthen the humanitarian mechanism and primarily benefit the RRF. As in the 2018 GRRF, the Alliance continues to recognize the challenges that remain so that we are able to deliver high-calibre and accountable humanitarian response, and there remains a strong need to address issues around quality, capacity and preparedness especially in the work of national members. GRRF19 Appeal

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More than 14 million people are affected by heavy rains, landslides and flooding brought about by monsoon rains this mid-July, in Bangladesh, India, and Nepal. Myanmar has also been affected. Some areas are still inaccessible because of the floods and landslides. There are about 152 deaths across the region.  About 650,000 families in the three countries have been displaced. Areas most affected are Central and Northeast Bangladesh; Assam and Bihar States in India; and Provinces 1, 2, and 3 in Nepal. ACT forum members in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal are currently doing their assessments.  India and Bangladesh will submit a proposal to access ACT's Rapid Response Fund. Alerts South Asia Floods

In the evening of Tuesday the 25 June 2019, the region of Irkutsk in Russia, was heavily flooded. From June 25 to July 1 various areas of Irkutsk region in Russia and neighboring regions were hit by long heavy rains. The maximum amount of precipitation fell in the Western, Southern and Central territories of Irkutsk region: here in three days the amount of precipitation reached from 1.5 to 4 months averages. The current flood in the Irkutsk region broke the record highs both in terms of the level of precipitation and the water level of rivers that flooded the banks. Heavy rains led to the rise of rivers, specifically the tributaries of the Angara river which rose by 10-14 meters, much higher than the critical mark. According to officials, more than 37 thousand people have been affected to date, including more than 7,000 children; 25 persons were killed, 11 are missing; 410 hospitalized; and 2,563 were evacuated. 110 settlements and cities were flooded, 48 sections of roads were covered by water, and 20 bridges were damaged. About 6,700 houses were flooded or swept away. In seven districts of the Irkutsk region, a state of emergency was declared, with three of them (Tulun, Nizhneudinsk, and Taishet) almost completely flooded. The floods have put the region in a state of crisis. The flood affected persons find themselves in a desperate situation, with many unmet vital humanitarian needs such as access to: safe shelter and basic non-food items and safe drinking water, as well as sanitation and hygiene infrastructure. Alerts_Russia_Irkutsk Floods

Heavy rains have affected different regions in Bolivia. Overflowing rivers and floods were reported in Alto Beni, Palos Blancos, Guanay, Rurrenabaque, Riberalta, Villa Montes, Cutaiqui, San Borja and San Buenaventura. According to the Ministry of Defense reports, 79 municipalities (of 338 in the country) are under a state of disaster and 25 are under a state of emergency. A total of 47,125 families suffered partial loss of assets, 23,683 families have been left homeless, 34 people were reported dead and 26 people are missing. The Government has reported that the greatest number of affected people are found in Potosí, La Paz, Chuquisaca, Beni, Santa Cruz and Cochabamba - more than 70,000 families affected between February and April. Major damages include loss of crops, housing and other assets. The rains that have been falling since the beginning of the year, influenced by the El Niño phenomenon, have caused different degrees of impact. On 2 and 3 of April, heavy rains affected areas between the departments of Chuquisaca and Santa Cruz, affecting 3,059 families in two municipalities in Monteagudo and Cami. The Bolivian Government declared a national emergency on 27 February, and on 10 April declared an emergency for the departments of Potosí, La Paz, Chuquisaca, Santa Cruz and Cochabamba.

The Methodist Church from Bolivia, through its Rural Development Department is going to provide food security and psychosocial support to 500 affected households.  The RRF will contribute to assist the needs of native indigenous households living in very remote communities from the departments of Potosi and Beni.


The humanitarian context of the oPt is unique among today’s crises. A protracted protection crisis continues in the oPt, which remains largely attributable to ongoing occupation, now in its 52nd year, and the continuing internal Palestinian divide.    Recent developments in the occupied Palestinian territories have become of deep concern. Since March 2018, 195 Palestinians, including 41 children, were killed and more than 26,000 injured during the Great March of Return protests.  There have also been several flare ups this year already. The West Bank including East Jerusalem has also had its share of a deteriorating humanitarian situation socioeconomically and protection wise. The West Bank faces a complex system of control (both physical and bureaucratic) and thus restricting freedom of movement, access to livelihood as well as land (including grazing land) and natural water resources. Interventions to help Palestinians in restoring agricultural and farming inputs, expanding grazing lands, providing water resources and protection from forced evictions are urgently needed. Alerts_Palestine_Protracted Crisis

Since 2015, communities in Burkina Faso have experienced armed attacks that have resulted in internal displacement. In December 2018, the number of IDPs was 39,000 (Cf. OCHA, Burkina Faso: Humanitarian Snapshot of 6 May 2019). Since January 2019, communities in various localities have hosted some IDPs while the others (149,000) are registered in the four (4) camps established by the government. The crisis has reached a new phase with intercommunity conflict. As of 24th April 2019, there were 364 reported security incidents, which left 394 people dead (OCHA, Burkina Faso: Humanitarian Snapshot of 6 May 2019). ACT Burkina Faso members Diakonia, Christian Aid and national organisations ODE (Office de Development des Eglises) and  Dignus  are planning to submit an appeal to provide Food and Nutrition Support, WASH (safe drinking water, hygiene latrines, and showers), Non-Food Items and temporary Shelter to ensure that the conflict-affected persons’ basic needs are met.   Burkina Faso_ Armed Conflict.

Extremely severe cyclone Fani (pronounced, 'Foni') will likely cross the State of Odisha, between Gopalpur and Chandabali on the afternoon of 3rd May.  The Indian government is expecting strong winds and heavy rainfall with maximum wind speed of more than 150.  Pacific Disaster Center estimates that about 16.7 million people will be severely affected with damaged houses and other infrastructures.  Crops will be potentially flooded with serious impact on livelihood and food security.  Water systems may also be damaged, making access to drinking water difficult and sanitation will be affected. ACT India Forum has convened to prepare for a possible response. ACT members CASA and LWSIT have alerted the communities in Odisha where they have been working for a long time.   Alerts_India_CycloneFani

Heavy rainfall has been affecting southern Peru (particularly Arequipa, Moquegua, Tacna and Ica Regions) since February, causing rivers to overflow, triggering floods, landslides and mudslides. According to media reports, as of 13 February, ten people were killed, 1 800 injured and approximately 8 000 affected. Media reported 51 deaths and 79 injured people. Furthermore, 228 houses have been destroyed, 26 bridges have been demolished and several roads have been blocked by torrential rain and landslides.    On March 28 and 29 respectively the National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI) declared a state of emergency for the provinces of Chanchamayo and the districts of Palca and (province of Tarma) and the district of Ulcumayo (province of Junin respectively).  On 17 April 2019, the Peru National Emergency Operations Center (COEN), reported landslides in the municipalities of Cajabamba and Distrital de Cachachi in the Cajamarca Region occurred on Monday, 15 April; families and communication networks were affected.   As of 4 April, at 8.00 UTC, media report that in Junin Region (central Peru) eleven people have been reported dead and at least 1 800 have been affected by the overflowing of rivers Chanchamayo, Paucartambo and Perené. Up to 30 houses have been reportedly destroyed and over 500 have been flooded.  Intense rainfall has been registered in San Martin Region (northern Peru), where the overflowing of the river Huallaga has affected 228 people and flooded 70 buildings, heavy rain, strong winds and thunderstorms are still expected and could affect mainland Peru, from the central areas to the south. A Level 4 warning has been issued for several districts in Arequipa, Puno, Tacna and Cuzco regions (southern Peru).    The government extended the state of emergency in several districts of the Huánuco and Pasco regions, due to disasters caused by mudslides and landslides due to heavy rains, with the purpose of continuing with the execution of immediate and necessary actions, response and rehabilitation that correspond. This extension is valid for 60 days, counting from April 17. The ACT Alliance Forum through DIACONIA Peru and the Methodist Church are willing to provide emergency relief to  the affected community of Pucharini.  The Forum is currently is preparing a response proposal based on a quick needs assessment. Coordination meetings are taking place at country level, in coordination with ACT Secretariat Regional Office, Alerts_Floods_Mudslides_Peru

Heavy rains have affected different regions in Bolivia. Overflowing rivers and floods have been reported in Alto Beni, Palos Blancos, Guanay, Rurrenabaque, Riberalta, Villa Montes, Cutaiqui, San Borja and San Buenaventura. According to the Ministry of Defense reports, 79 municipalities (of 338 in the country) are under a state of disaster and 25 are under a state of emergency as of April 8. A total of 47,125 families suffered partial loss of assets, 23,683 families have been left homeless, 34 people were reported dead and 26 people are missing. The Government has reported that the greatest number of victims are found in Potosí, La Paz, Chuquisaca, Beni, Santa Cruz and Cochabamba - more than 70,000 families affected between February and April. Major damages include loss of crops, housing and other assets. The rains that have been falling since the beginning of the year, influenced by the El Niño phenomenon, have caused different degrees of impact. On 2 and 3 of April, heavy rains affected areas between the departments of Chuquisaca and Santa Cruz, affecting 3,059 families in two municipalities in Monteagudo and Cami. The Bolivian Government declared a national emergency on 27 February, and on 10 April declared an emergency for the departments of Potosí, La Paz, Chuquisaca, Santa Cruz and Cochabamba. The ACT Alliance Forum through its local member The Methodist Church in Bolivia is willing to provide emergency relief through a RRF in  five Municipalities belonging to the Departments of Beni and Potosí. (Tupiza, Villazon, Colquencha, San Borga, Rurrenabaque). Alerts_Floods_Bolivia

In Tanzania, the locations of Same and Morogoro were hit by a heavy rainstorm accompanied by heavy winds in early March 2019. In both locations, there was massive destruction of roofs (houses, government institution facilities, churches and mosques) and massive destruction of food on farms, many livestock were lost.   To date, the affected displaced persons from both locations are being hosted by local community members. This hosting arrangement continues to be challenging as displaced and hosting communities continue to share limited space and resources. There is also a risk of gender-based violence. In addition, pupils from affected schools are affected by poor access education services due to the rainstorm destruction.   ACT Tanzania Forum member (TCRS) is planning on submitting a Rapid Response Fund Request to support the needs that are still pending among affected communities.   Alert-Rainstorm in Tanzania

On the morning of Friday the 15 March 2019, storm IDAI made landfall near Beira in Mozambique and brought strong winds and caused severe flooding in South-eastern Malawi. Since then, the Southern and Central region of Malawi has been affected by consecutive days of torrential, continuous rains and severe flooding. As of 16 March, the United Nations in Malawi reported that official data indicate that more than 922,000 people have been affected in 15 districts. There have been at least 56 deaths, 577 people injured and over 16,000 households displaced. In addition, crops, houses and livestock have been destroyed. ACT Malawi Forum is working on a joint regional appeal with ACT forum members in Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Alerts_Malawi_Cyclone Idai.        

Heavy rains caused by powerful tropical Cyclone Idai hit the central and northern regions of Mozambique from 14th March 2019, leading to massive floods and leaving at least 202 people dead, according to the President of Mozambique, Filipe Nyusi. The death toll is expected to rise in the coming days. The situation is likely to deteriorate and the number of people affected is likely to increase, as weather experts predict heavy rainfall in Sofala and Manica provinces from 19 to 21 March. Flood waters may rise up to around eight metres and at least 350,000 people are at risk (OCHA Flash Update, 19 March). There are also growing concerns regarding the potential effects of the overflow of the Marowanyati Dam in Zimbabwe on water levels in Mozambique. Most of the affected population are located in the provinces of Zambezia (districts of Chiunde, Luabo, Inhassugue, Mopeia, Nicoandala , Maquaival, Mocubela. Mulevala, Mocuba, Milage, Dere and Qualimane), Niassa (districts of Cuamba and Madimba), and Sofala Province (districts of Buzi, Chemba, Caia, Cherigoma, Chibabava, Dondo, Gorongosa, Morremeu, Marrigue , Muaza amd Nhamantanda). Based on initial assessments from ACT member Comité Ecuménico para o Desenvolvimento Social (CEDES)/Ecumenical Committee for Social Development, 683 of those affected in Zambezia by the floods have been identified as orphans and vulnerable children, and 165 have been identified as elderly. Moreover, 286 classrooms have been total destroyed forcing more 2,450 children out of schools. The damage to agricultural lands is also very significant, with at least 83,813 hectares of crops such as maize, cassava, sorghum and millets flooded, affecting 53,318 small farmers whose livelihoods depends on farm produce. Alerts_Mozambique_Cyclone Idai

On the morning of Friday the 15 March 2019, the province of Manicaland in Zimbabwe was hit by Cyclone Idai, causing massive floods that destroyed houses, swept away fields, uprooted trees, and demolished bridges. Cyclone Idai has triggered a massive disaster in Southern Africa affecting hundreds of thousands of people, with widespread flooding and devastation affecting Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi. Cyclone Idai made landfall near the port city of Beira in Sofala province on Thursday with winds of up to 177 km/h (106 mph). In Zimbabwe, the government reported that 98 people have been killed and more than 200 missing as of today. Some rescuers said homes and bodies were washed away in the rivers to neighbouring Mozambique. At least 20,000 houses have been partially damaged in the south-eastern town of Chipinge, while 600 others were totally destroyed. The Government is struggling to cope with the huge influx of affected households as the country reels from economic problems. The affected households are now sheltered in churches and temporary structures set up by UN agencies. Several aid agencies are assisting government efforts in the search and rescue operations and in the distribution of food aid. Alerts_Zimbabwe_Cyclone Idai



Niall O’Rourke

Head of Humanitarian Affairs


Geneva, Switzerland

Caroline Njogu

Regional Humanitarian Officer


Nairobi, Kenya

Cyra Bullecer

Humanitarian Operations Manager


Bangkok, Thailand

George Majaj

Humanitarian Programme Advisor


Amman, Jordan

Anyi Elizabeth Morales Mora

Humanitarian Programme Officer

Latin America and the Caribbean

Bogota, Colombia

Marjorie Schmidt

Finance Coordinator


Geneva, Switzerland